History or History/Social Science major

Outstanding Young Alum: Ral Obioha ’08 - Lawyer
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Outstanding Young Alum: Ral Obioha ’08 - Lawyer

Obioha was awarded a merit scholarship to Howard University School of Law. She founded a private law firm in Houston, Texas, where she represents clients seeking permanent residency and citizenship in the U.S.

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Boldly challenging yourself to understand history – where we have been as a culture and a country – can help you change the future and advocate for a better world. 

At EMU, studying history is about more than just learning dates and events. Rather, it is an exploration of how people lived in particular times and places – in both national and global contexts.

Marketable foreign language skills, eye-opening intercultural experiences, and resume-building internships at the Washington Community Scholars' Center will give you real-world understanding and first-hand knowledge about how politics, culture and language shape history.  

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Career Options

History graduates are equipped with key transferable skills that employers desire: research, synthesis, analysis, and clear written and oral communication.

Bright Outlook


Average Salary

Research, analyze, record, and interpret the past as recorded in sources, such as government and institutional records, newspapers and other periodicals, photographs, interviews, films, electronic media, and unpublished manuscripts, such as personal diaries and letters.

History Teachers, Postsecondary

Average Salary

Teach courses in human history and historiography. Includes both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of teaching and research.


Average Salary

Appraise, edit, and direct safekeeping of permanent records and historically valuable documents. Participate in research activities based on archival materials.


Average Salary

Administer collections, such as artwork, collectibles, historic items, or scientific specimens of museums or other institutions. May conduct instructional, research, or public service activities of institution.

Librarians and Media Collections Specialists

Average Salary

Administer and maintain libraries or collections of information, for public or private access through reference or borrowing. Work in a variety of settings, such as educational institutions, museums, and corporations, and with various types of informational materials, such as books, periodicals, recordings, films, and databases. Tasks may include acquiring, cataloging, and circulating library materials, and user services such as locating and organizing information, providing instruction on how to access information, and setting up and operating a library's media equipment.

Political Scientists

Average Salary

Study the origin, development, and operation of political systems. May study topics, such as public opinion, political decisionmaking, and ideology. May analyze the structure and operation of governments, as well as various political entities. May conduct public opinion surveys, analyze election results, or analyze public documents.


Average Salary

Develop, introduce, or enact laws and statutes at the local, tribal, state, or federal level. Includes only workers in elected positions.


Average Salary

Represent clients in criminal and civil litigation and other legal proceedings, draw up legal documents, or manage or advise clients on legal transactions. May specialize in a single area or may practice broadly in many areas of law.

The above data was drawn from ONet and is intended for informational purposes only.

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Degree Requirements

History Major

A major consists of 33 SH including:

  • HIST 101 US History I: Race and Reason (to 1860) - 2  
  • HIST 102 US History II: Mechanization and Modernization (1860-1918) - 2  
  • HIST 103 US History III: Power and Paradox (1918-present) - 2  
  • HIST 121 Global Past I: Civilization (to 1400) - 2  
  • HIST 122 Global Past II: Modernization (post-1400) - 2  
  • HIST 123-126 Global Past III: Comparative Themes - 2  
  • HUM 200 Foundations of Humanities - 2  
  • HUM 490 Seminar in Humanities - 4  
  • Additional HIST, HUM, OR CCHIS courses - 15

Majors are strongly encouraged to divide their courses among various regions and periods. In addition, majors contemplating graduate study in history are advised to acquire a high level of proficiency in at least one foreign language. It is also strongly suggested that majors do both a semester long intercultural and the WCSC program.

History and Social Science

This interdepartmental major of 42-43 SH consists of the following:

United States History (6 SH)

Choose 6 SH from the following courses:

  • HIST 101 US History I: Race and Reason (to 1860) - 2  
  • HIST 102 US History II: Mechanization and Modernization (1860-1918) - 2  
  • HIST 103 US History III: Power and Paradox (1918-present) - 2  
  • *HIST 222 African American History - 3  
  •  *HIST 312 19th Century America - 3  
  • *HIST 321 Modernizing America - 3  
  • *HIST 411 History of Recent America - 4  

(Students pursuing teacher licensure are required to take HIST 101, 102, and 103, and are strongly encouraged to take additional US history courses.)

European and World History (6 SH)

Choose 6 SH from the following courses:

  • HIST 121 Global Past I: Civilization (to 1400) - 2  
  • HIST 122 Global Past II: Modernization (post-1400) - 2  
  • HIST 123-126 Global Past III: Comparative Themes - 2  
  • *HIST 231 Medieval Europe - 3  
  • *HIST 362 Renaissance and Reformation - 3  
  • *HIST 391 Birth of Modernity in Europe - 3  
  • *HIST 461 Modern Europe- 3  

(Students pursuing teacher licensure are required to take HIST 121, 122, and 123-126 and are strongly encouraged to take additional European history courses.)

Area Studies (3 SH)

Choose one of the following courses:

  • *HIST 251 History of Africa - 3  
  • *HIST 432 History of the Middle East - 3  
  • *PPX 371 Peace and Security in East Asia - 3 (may count for Area Studies or Political Science, not both)  
  • CCHIS from an international cross-cultural experience - 3 

Historiography (6 SH)

  • HUM 200 Foundations of Humanities - 2  
  • HUM 490 Seminar in Humanities - 4  

Political Science (9-10 SH)

  • POL 111 Comparative Politics - 2  
  • POL 112 American Politics - 2  
  • POL 113 International Relations - 2  

Choose one of the following courses:

  • *POL 230 International Norms and Institutions - 3  
  • *POL 250 Law, Justice and the Local Context - 3  
  • *PPX 371 Peace and Security in East Asia - 3 (may count for Area Studies or Political Science, not both)  
  • *PPX 401 Human Rights and Dignity - 4  
  • *PPX 421 Genocide in the 20th Century - 4  
  • *PPX 431 Political Reconciliation - 4  

Economics (3 SH)

  • ECON 201 Survey of Economics - 3  

Geography (3 SH)

  • GEOG 231 Cultural Geography - 3  

Social Science (6 SH)

Choose two of the following courses:

  • PSYC 101 General Psychology - 3  
  • PSYC 202 Developmental Psychology - 3  
  • SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology - 3  

(Students pursuing teacher licensure must take PSYC 202 and SOC 101.)

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