Theology and Religion Major

Are you called to serve others? Want to find yourself and your gift to the world? Want to dig deeper into what it means to be a following of Christ? 

At EMU, a variety of academic programs focus on faith-informed life, spiritual exploration and building skills so you can minister to those in need. Theology and religion majors prepare for seminary or graduate studies, service in churches, hospitals and schools, and other leadership roles. 

EMU's 33-semester-hour major gives you flexibility to choose a concentration of in Theology or Religious Studies. A theology and religion major also can be combined with another area of interest for a robust double major.

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Core classes (15 SH)

  • REL 201 Introduction to Religious Studies (3)
  • REL 202 Reading the Bible (3)
  • REL 205 Introduction to Theology (3)
  • HUM 200 Foundations of Humanities (2)
  • HUM 490 Seminar in Humanities (4) 

Concentrations (12 SH)

Students select either the Theology track or the Religious Studies track and then any 12 SH from the courses designated for that track:

Theology (choose 12 SH)

  • *PHIL 412 Philosophy of Religion
  • *REL 301 Gender in the Bible
  • *REL 302 Jesus, God, and Film
  • *REL 303 Money in the Bible
  • *REL 304 Politics in the Bible
  • REL 323 Jesus, Justice, and Violence
  • *REL 365 Mennonite History and Thought
  • REL 410 Hebrew Bible: Text in Context
  • REL 411 New Testament: Text in Context
  • *REL 412 Liberation Theologies

Religious Studies (choose 12 SH)

  • *PHIL 412 Philosophy of Religion
  • *REL 231 Jewish and Islamic Traditions
  • *REL 232 Hinduisms and Buddhisms
  • *REL 233 East Asian Traditions: Confucianism, Daoism, Shinto
  • *REL 234 Indigenous Traditions
  • *REL 304 Politics in the Bible
  • REL 323 Jesus, Justice, and Violence
  • REL 341 African American Religions
  • *REL 342 Sex, Love, God: Religion and Sexuality
  • *REL 343 Witches, Cripples and Other Monsters: Religion and Disability
  • *REL 412 Liberation Theologies

Electives (choose 6 SH)

Students may choose 6 SH from courses in the above Theology track, Religious studies track, or the courses listed below:

  • PHIL 201 Introduction to Philosophy
  • REL 212 Faith, Meaning, and Adolescence
  • REL 235 Spiritual Formation
  • REL 310-315: Topics in Religion
  • REL 334 Ministry with Children and Adolescents
  • *REL 338 Missiology
  • REL 423: Elementary Greek
  • REL 424: Greek Readings
  • REL 451: Church Work Practicum
  • REL 462: Mission Practicum

* indicates the course is offered in alternate years

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