Student Chaplains

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Back Row: Marciella Shallomita, Miranda Beidler, Ruth Abera, Reah Clymer, Levi Myers Front Row: Ella Richer, Sara Kennel, Dia Mekonnen, Emma Nord, River Lynch Not pictured: La-Ann Volel, Halie Mast

Student Chaplains

Student chaplains are student leaders serving the EMU campus community in focused faith and spiritual life roles. They can focus on worship, service, interfaith, sustainability, diversity, equity, inclusion, peacebuilding, community, or wellness. Student chaplains meet regularly with the university chaplain and the student chaplain team.

There are two student chaplain options: paid or volunteer.  Student chaplains in paid positions are compensated with university work-program funds and take on a leadership role.  Student chaplains in volunteer positions assist and support various faith and spiritual life initiatives.  They might assist with faith and spiritual life clubs like Y-Serve, Celebration (praise worship), Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Alpha-Omega Dancers for Christ, Hymn Sing, and the Gospel Choir or develop their own connections through prayer, encouragement, Bible study, and relationship building wherever they are living.

If interested, complete this student chaplain application form

Resources Available

The office of faith and spiritual life provides resources for use by student chaplains and any others for Bible studies, small groups, events, and retreats. Books, hymnals, games, DVDs and supplies are categorized and shelved according to subject and can be signed out from the Student Life Suite in University Commons.

Questions? Suggestions? Contact

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