Suzuki Violin Teacher Training

Become a Suzuki violin teacher! You can complete your study in Suzuki while continuing other undergrad programs. Below is a breakdown of Suzuki teacher courses offered at EMU:

Courses offered

Every Child Can: Non-specific instrument course which provides required background for further Teacher Training. It is open to any individual interested in learning more about the philosophy behind the Suzuki Method.

Suzuki Violin/Viola Unit 1: 28-hour course on how to teach beginning students of all ages, how to work with parents, private and group teaching, and strategies for teaching the repertoire in the Suzuki Book 1.

Internship: College students who have completed the Unit 1 training may teach as an intern in the Preparatory Music Program under the supervision of Sharon Miller. Upon successful completion of a semester of teaching, the teacher may apply to be a faculty member of the Preparatory Music Program.

Suzuki Violin/Viola Unit 2: 15-hour course covering reading music, the development of the bow arm and repertoire in Book 2.

Courses in other Suzuki books are available. You may obtain a description from Sharon Miller.

Course information

Courses are run on an arranged basis. Course fees are based on enrollment and are payable to the EMU Preparatory Music Program. Please read the information from the Suzuki Association if you would like to register your training through the Suzuki Association of the Americas. All courses are taught by Sharon Miller, SAA Violin Teacher Trainer.

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