Secondary Education (Grades 6-12)

At EMU, located in Harrisonburg, Virginia, we prepare future teachers to change the world through their teaching. Our students explore the teaching field through regular practicum experiences. You will learn effective teaching methods for an evolving world and a diverse student body. 

Two key characteristics of our teacher education program are: sending future teachers into classrooms early, and reflective practice, which is woven into all education courses at EMU.

Our teacher education program has carried the highest national accreditation standards in the nation for more than 40 years. Our teacher education program is nationally accredited through CAEP.

Earning your secondary education license to teach involves a double major in education and your content field: biology, chemistry, computer science, English, history and social science, or mathematics.

Content Fields for Secondary Education

Learn from the best, not only in education, but also in your content area. Students may focus secondary education in one of the following areas: 

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Career Options

The above data was drawn from ONet and is intended for informational purposes only.

Education Curriculum

  • ED 101 Exploring Teaching - 2  
  • ED 245 Learning and Classroom Environments - 3  
  • ED 252 Learning and Classroom Environments PFE - 1  
  • ED 275 Instructional Technology and Assessment - 3  
  • ED 301 Needs of Diverse Learners - 3  
  • ED 351 General Curriculum and Methods - 1  
  • ED 361 Secondary Methods PFE - 1  
  • ED 385 Content Area Methods for Middle and Secondary Teaching - 2  
  • ED 395 Reading and Writing in the Content Area (6-12) - 3  
  • ED 401 Examining Foundations of Education - 2  
  • ED 411 Reflective Teaching Seminar and Portfolio - 1  
  • ED 451 Middle School Student Teaching - 7  
  • ED 452 High School Student Teaching - 7  

Seventeen semester hours of the above are devoted to professional studies while 19 semester hours involve practica.

Additional licensure requirement:

  • PSYC 202 Developmental Psychology - 3 
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