Special Education

Add-on endorsement option to PreK-3 and PreK-6 licensure programs

We  have been approved by the Virginia Department of Education to offer an add-on endorsement in Special Education for the PreK-3 and PreK-6 initial license programs. EMU no longer offers an initial Special Education licensure program for PreK-12.

At EMU in Harrisonburg, Virginia we prepare future teachers to change the world through their teaching. Our students explore the teaching field through regular practicum experiences. You will learn effective teaching methods for an evolving world and a diverse student body. 

Two key characteristics of our teacher education program are: sending future teachers into classrooms early, and reflective practice, which is woven into all education courses at EMU.

Our teacher education program has carried the highest national accreditation standards in the nation for more than 40 years. Our teacher education program is nationally accredited through CAEP.


Courses required for the Special Education Add-on Endorsement

  • ED 301 Needs of Diverse Learners - 3
  • ED 331 Math in the Elementary School - 2
  • ED 342 Reading/Diagnostic Reading - 3
  • EDS 371 Assessment, Evaluation, and Planning in Special Education - 3
  • EDS 375 IEP Development and Implementation - 3
  • EDS 381 Special Education Professional Field Experience - 2
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