MS in Nursing and MBA Dual Degree

Class Type:
Fully Online with Two Short Residencies
$639 per credit hour
Upcoming Start Dates:
Summer 2023
Program Options:
MSN, Grad Certificate
Credit Hours
Months (Avg.)

Become the healthcare leader you want leading your hospital or healthcare organization. Earn your MS in nursing and your MBA with Eastern Mennonite’s dual degree program in values-based leadership and management.

  • Online study in MS in Nursing with two virtual residency requirements for orientation (1.5 days) as well as NURS 503 Conflict course (format TBD).
  • Online  MBA study with two short residencies. 
  • Values-based leadership training
  • Two degrees with fewer credit hours than getting the degrees separately

The ability to partner with the collaborative MBA program in order to fulfill MBA courses fully online will be evaluated on a selective basis.

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