Traditional Curriculum 

(1 Course Per Semester)

Leadership and Management Concentration

Total Credit Hours: 37

Year One
Summer NURS 501 – Introduction, Sacred Covenant Conceptual Framework (1)
Fall NURS 510 – Historical, Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of Nursing (3)
Spring NURS 515 Health Care Delivery System (3)
Summer NURS 626  Managing in a Complex Environment (3)
Year Two
Fall NURS 516  Application of Legal & Ethical Principles to Health Care (3)
Spring NURS 628 – Systems Approach to Organizational Behavior (3)
Summer NURS 512 – Knowledge Development: Epidemiology and Infomatics (3)
Year Three
Fall NURS 503 – PAX 503 Practice Skills for Conflict Transformation (3)
Spring  NURS 629 – Instructional Methodologies Nurse Leaders (2)
Summer NURS 622 – Nursing Administration Finance (2) 
Year Four
Fall NURS 511 – Translational Scholarship for Evidenced Based Practice (3)
Spring  NURS 620 – Safety, Risk Reduction, and Quality Care (4)
Summer  NURS 630 – Leadership Project (4)

Leadership and School Nurse Concentration

Year One
Summer *NURS 504 School Nursing: Legal Mandates (3)
NURS 501 Introduction, Sacred Covenant Conceptual Framework (1)
Fall  *NURS 505 School Nursing: Theory and Diverse Learners (3)
Spring  *NURS 506 School Nursing: Clinical Practicum (3)
Summer  *EDDS 601 Advocacy Issues Within Special Education (3)
Year Two
Fall  NURS 510 Historical, Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of Nursing (3)
Spring  EDCC 531 Social & Ethical Issues in Education (3)
Summer  EDDA 571 Trauma Restoration and Resilience in Educational Environments (3)
Year Three
Fall NURS 503 Practice Skills for Conflict Transformation (3) if not taking EDCC 521 Peacebuilding & Conflict Resolution(3) in Year 4, summer semester
Spring  NURS 628 Systems Approach to Organizational Behavior (3)
Summer  EDCC 521 Peacebuilding & Conflict Resolution (3)
Year Four
Fall  NURS 511 Translational Scholarship for Evidence Based Practice (3)
Spring  NURS 620 Safety, Risk Reduction and Quality Care (4)
Summer NURS 630 Leadership Project (4) 

Total credit hours: 38 or 39

*Required 12 credits for the PA Department of Education Educational Specialist Level I Certification: School Nurse

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