Third Floor
The top floor contains items in the main collection with call numbers in the 000s (generalities), 100s (philosophy and psychology), 200s (religion), and 300s (social sciences).
Menno Simons Historical Library — The Historical Library specializes in research materials for the study of Anabaptists and Mennonites from the sixteenth century to the present. Local history and genealogical materials for areas where Mennonites have lived supplement the collection. These materials do not circulate. Materials housed here are listed in the library catalog. Duplicate copies of some materials found here are also in the circulating collection of the Main Library. The Historical Library personnel are available to assist you in using this special collection.
Library classrooms - There are 2 classrooms on the 3rd floor, 303 and 304. Room 300b is use primarily for testing though the Academic Support Center. It maybe used for study when not in use.
Academic Success Center - The Academic Success Center supports students through tutoring, writing assistance, test proctoring, etc..