Business and Leadership minors and concentrations

  • Accounting
  • Actuarial Science
  • Business Administration
  • Data Analytics
  • Applied Economics
  • Nonprofit Management
  • Leadership
  • Marketing
  • Recreation and Sport Management
  • Finance (career concentration)
  • Human Resource Management (career concentration)

Accounting minor (18 semester hours)

This minor is designed for students who, while not planning to enter an accounting career, have an interest in developing a basic accounting tool kit. These skills will be relevant to any organizational leader.

ACTG 221 Financial Accounting (3SH)
ACTG 222 Managerial Accounting (3SH)
ACTG 321 Intermediate Accounting I (3SH)
ACTG 322 Intermediate Accounting II (3SH)
ACTG 341 Cost Accounting (3SH)
BUAD 221 Principles of Management (3SH)

Actuarial Science minor (39 semester hours)

24 credits of Math/Statistics courses and 15 credits of Accounting/Economics/Finance

ECON 211 Principles of Microeconomics (3SH)
ECON 212 Principles of Macroeconomics (3SH)
ACTG 221 Financial Accounting (3SH)
BUAD 301 Quantitative Decision Making (3SH)
FIN 440 Financial Management (3SH)
STAT220 Inferential Statistics (2SH)
STAT 230 Regression and ANOVA (2SH)
MATH 170 Discrete Mathematics (4SH)
MATH 185, 195 Calculus I, II (8SH)
MATH 284 Multivariate Calculus (2SH)
MATH 350 Linear Algebra (3SH)
MATH 470 Mathematical Probability (3SH)

Business Administration minor (18 semester hours)

This minor is designed for students who want to develop management skills to complement another major. It is especially valuable to strengthen programs in environmental science, pre-professional health sciences, social work, development, economics, marketing, visual and communication arts, and recreation leadership. 

BUAD 101 Business at EMU (3SH)
ACTG 221 Financial Accounting (3SH)
BUAD 221 Principles of Management (3SH)
ECON 201 Survey of Economics (3SH)
MKTG 201 Principles of Marketing (3SH)
Choose 1:
        BUAD 321 Human Resource Managemnt (3SH)
        BUAD 331 Organizational Behavior (3SH)

Data Analytics Minor (18 semester hours)

The Data Analytics Minor is for those who want to blend business with computer science—specifically data science.

  • STAT 120 Descriptive Statistics - 2 (both)
  • *STAT 150 Data Visualization - 2 (spring/even)
  • STAT 220 Inferential Statistics - 2 (both)
  • STAT 230 Regression and ANOVA - 2 (spring)
  • CS 145 Introduction to Programming - 2 (both)
  • CS 155 Programming in Python - 2 (fall)
  • CS 265 Databases - 2 (spring)
  • *CS 460 Big Data Analysis - 4 (new)

Applied Economics minor (16-18 semester hours)

The applied economics minor is attractive to students who seek to supplement their major with an economic perspective. This minor is of particular interest to students majoring in environmental science, peacebuilding and development, social work, history, pre-law, business, the health professions and similar programs.

ECON 211 Principles of Microeconomics (3SH)
ECON 212 Principles of Macroeconomics (3SH)
ECON 341 Intermediate Microeconomics (3SH)
ECON 342 Intermediate Macroeconomics (3SH)
ECON Elective (300+) (3SH)
Choose 1:
       ACTG, BUAD, CIS, FIN OR MKTG (200+)

      Additional ECON Elective (300+)
     PXD 375 Globalization and Justice

Nonprofit Management minor (18-19 semester hours):

Many EMU graduates serve in non-profit management roles. This minor provides a basic toolkit for preparing to serve and lead in non-profit organizations. 

ACTG 221 Financial Accounting (3SH)
BUAD 221 Principles of Management (3SH)
CIS 211 Spreadsheets and Data Mgmt (1SH)
Choose 1:
        PXD 151, 255, 365, 375
Choose 1:
        BUAD 465 Project Management and Grantwriting (3SH)
        BUAD 471 Topics: Nonprofit Management (3SH)
       PXD 451 Program Evaluation
Choose 2:
        ACTG 433 Nonprofit and Governmental Accounting (2SH)
        BUAD 321 Human Resource Managemnt (3SH)
        BUAD 331 Organizational Behavior (3SH)
        BUAD 431 Seminar in HRM (3SH)
        PXD 151 Exploring Conflict and Peace 
        PXD 225 Theories of Social Change
       PXD 365 Social and Political Economy
       PXD 375 Globalization and Justice

Leadership minor (16-18 semester hours):

Nearly all working professionals with a bachelor's degree end up in organizational leadership roles. Prepare to serve and lead in your profession, no matter your major, no matter your career. This minor will include leadership courses specific to your major, as well as basic core leadership courses. 

BUAD 221 Principles of Management (3SH)
LEAD 300 Leadership Theory and Practice (3SH)
Choose 9SH:
       BUAD 321 Human Resource Managemnt (3SH)
       BUAD 331 Organizational Behavior (3SH)
       BUAD 461 Strategic Leadership in Organizations (3SH)
       CHST 372 Church Leadership for Transformation
       ENVS 325 Environmental Ethics (2SH)
       ENVS 355 Environmental Risk and Policy (2SH)
       PSYC 221 Social Psychology
       PSYC 231 Applied Behavior Analysis
       PSYC 301 Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships
       PSYC 351 Positive Psychology
       PXD 311 Mediation and Interpersonal Processes
       PXD 321 Group Dynamics and Facilitation
       REC 205 Recreation and Sport Leadership
Choose 1:
       ENVS 429 Environmental Internship (2SH)
       ENVS 430 Environmental Capstone (2SH)
       PSYC 483 Psychology Internship II (2SH)
       PXD 441 Leadership Practicum (1SH)
       LEAD 281 Leadership Practicum (1SH)
       LEAD 481 Leadership Internship
       NURS 437 Professionhood III

Marketing minor (18-19 semester hours)

The field and practice of marketing  sits at the intersection of business and design. EMU's marketing minor will give student preparation in both fields. Students in the EMU program will understand the impact marketing has on larger cultural forces and can be part of social change, advocacy and getting unique and challenging messages into the social dialogue.

MKTG 201 Principles of Marketing (3SH)
VACA 141 Foundations of Design (4SH)
Choose 2:
       MKTG 311 Marketing Research (3SH)
       MKTG 321 Consumer Behavior (3SH)
       MKTG 330 Sales/E-Commerce (3SH)
       MKTG 410 Strategic Marketing Mgmt (3SH)
Choose 5SH:
       VACA 151 Photo 1 (2SH)
       VACA 241 Graphic Design 1 (2SH)
       VACA 242 Design 2 (2SH)
       VACA 344 Web Design and Social Media (4SH)
       VACA 354 Conservation Photography (2SH)
       VACA 381 Visual Communication (2SH)
       WRIT News and Feature Writing (3SH)

Recreation and Sport Management minor (18-19 semester hours)

RSM 101 Intro to Health, PE and Recreation (3SH)
BUAD 221 Principles of Management (3SH)
RSM 211 Sophomore Practicum(1SH)
RSM 405 Recreation and Sport Administration (3SH)
Choose List (8SH):
       PEM 141-145  See Catalog (max. 1)
       HE 201 First Aid (1)
       RSM 306 Risk Management in Recreation and Sport (3)
       PE 301 Adapted Physical Education (3)
       PE 302 Motor Learning (2)
      RSM 309 Rec and sport Program Event Planning (3)
      RMS 402 Facility Design and Supervision in Rec and Sport (2)

Finance career concentration (14 semester hours)

The finance career concentration prepares students for entry level finance roles such as banking, investment planning, and financial analyst. The concentration will give you basic understandings of financial concepts to increase your preparation for financial careers. 

ACTG 221 Financial Accounting 3 SH
ECON 201 Survey of Economics OR ECON 212 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 SH
FIN 289 Personal Finance and Investing (take twice for 1 credit each) 2 SH
FIN 440 Financial Management 3 SH
FIN 481 Finance Internship 3 SH

While not required, other recommended courses for finance:

CIS 211 Spreadsheet and Data Management (1 SH)
CIS 321 Advanced Spreadsheets (1 SH)
STAT 120 Descriptive Statistics (2 SH)


Human Resource Management career concentration (15 semester hours)

BUAD 221 Principles of Management
3 SH
BUAD 331 Organizational Behavior  3 SH
BUAD 472 Topics in Business HRM  3 SH
BUAD 481 Business Internship in HRM 3 SH
PXD 341 Mediation and Facilitation  3 SH
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