SPI Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to do to apply?
I applied and was accepted to attend SPI last year. Can my application from last year count for this year?
How much will everything cost?
What is the $180 course fee for?
How do I pay the application fee?
What if my plans change or I do not get a visa? Are refunds offered?
What if I need financial assistance?
Do I need to take all sessions?
How many courses can I take per session?
What is the difference between taking courses for credit and taking courses for training?
Can I get a Master of Arts in Conflict Transformation by taking courses during SPI?
Can I transfer credits to another university program?
What is the extra workload if I take a course for credit?
Where can I find my course syllabus and readings?
International Participant Visas
What type of visas do international participants need to attend SPI?
What is the difference between a B-1 and a J-1 visa?
Transportation to SPI
How do I get to SPI?
I am using on-campus lodging, how do I get to my room on-campus?