Margaret Martin Gehman Gallery

Margaret Martin Gehman Art Gallery

Due to COVID-19, the campus is closed to outside visitors; however you may view the artwork and artist statements below for all work in the Margaret Martin Gehman Gallery. 

Nature and Beyond: Paintings 2019-20- Robert Bersson

Robert Bersson A Brief Biography 1/21/21

Briefly, biographically, I grew up in New York City and Rockland County just north of the city. I attended Brandeis University for my undergraduate degree, the State University of New York at New Paltz for my masters, and the University of Maryland, College Park for my Ph.D. I taught full-time in the School of Art, Art History, and Design at James Madison University from 1980-2003 and then continued part-time in the Honors Program and finally with the JMU Lifelong Learning Program. Relative to EMU, I have had a long, fruitful relationship with the Center for Interfaith Engagement as the organizer of five spring semester film series and as a Visiting Jewish Scholar adjunct professor. I have exhibited my artwork at EMU in the past and deeply appreciate the opportunity to show my new spray paintings in the beautiful Margaret Martin Gehman Art Gallery.

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