Radical Love - Molly Piwonka

This kind of love is truly pure and unimaginable in the ways that it flows through the lives of all. It is the sort of love that is without borders and breaks down the walls that separate us from truly living among one another. It is also boundless in the ways that it breaks one free from the nets we find ourselves intertwined, entrapped, and pulled down into the depths of a dark abyss with. This love also allows us to fully see ourselves and build structures into our lives, in which we can love all that we are, in order to patch up our inner wounds and better spread love to the world around us. As this love allows us to see ourselves completely, it opens us up to be vulnerable with others as we welcome them into the beautifully imperfect and messy parts of ourselves, along with the wonders that make us each unique. This love is unbelievably all-encompassing, wrapping us in a cloud of wonder and imagination, which allows for a beautiful array of colors to spill out from us as we step out from the dark to embrace the wild world around us. Only then can we take our first steps to making a difference as this love calls for change and transformation to affect us all in the most spectacular of ways. This is only a brief understanding of this thing called “radical love."

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