Master of Arts in Transformational Leadership

Class Type:
$790 per credit hour
Upcoming Start Dates:
Fall, Spring, Summer
Program Options:
Masters degree
Credit Hours
Years (Avg.)

Every organization and every community needs transformational leaders who can empower, inspire, and support others during challenging times. Join our learning community, study with experienced leaders, practice new skills with mentoring support, and YOU can be that leader!

When chaos surrounds us, and we don't know what the new normal will be, transformational leaders help others organize effective responses and make sense of new realities.

When systems break down and the old ways of doing things fail, transformational leaders calm fears and inspire creativity.

When conflict veers toward violence and inequities reinforce injustices, transformational leaders harness the creative energy of conflict and point the way towards greater justice.

This program is now available for you to complete entirely ONLINE.  Your courses can be taken online during fall and spring semesters. Some of those courses will be in a hybrid format that includes students who are on campus with students who are online. These courses are taught in classrooms with technology to facilitate engagement between those in the classroom and those online. It is recommended that you participate in at least one Summer Peacebuilding session during your tenure to get the in-person opportunity that makes the CJP experience all the more transformational.

If you want to incorporate an on-campus experience into your degree program, you may opt to join us for SPI. SPI is offered in week-long intensive classes and allows you to live on-campus in apartments with full amenities, participate in a course and experience our transformative community. Or, if you live in or around Harrisonburg and want to take a class on campus during fall and spring, you are welcome to do that, too.

These multiple ways to pursue the MATL will enable you to find a perfect fit that meets your personal needs while equipping you with the high-quality education that CJP is known for worldwide. We are excited to be able to offer this unique degree option in both in-person and hybrid options.

With a Master of Arts in Transformational Leadership you will be able to:

  • Analyze the sources of complex problems,
  • Manage a crisis when systems collapse,
  • Initiate and manage changes when systems are stuck,
  • Transform conflicts and promote just outcomes,
  • Identify positive opportunities that exist in every system failure, and
  • Involve the whole system in making your organization or community more equitable, resilient and peaceful.

When you enroll in a degree at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, you join a global network of people working to make the world a more just, equitable, and peaceful place. You learn to see possibilities when others see only problems and you learn to lead others through difficult experiences.

To enroll in this degree, you need to have been working in a professional setting (paid or volunteer) for at least five years and you must have a location (work or community) where you are able to apply what you are learning.

Application Deadlines

  • Summer 2023 Enrollment (International): February 15th
  • Summer 2023 Enrollment (U.S.): April 15th
  • Fall 2023 Enrollment (International): May 15th
  • Fall 2023 Enrollment (U.S.): July 15th


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Core courses (21 SH)

  • Foundations 1 sequence
    • PAX 533 Analysis for Conflict Transformation (3 SH)
    • PAX 532 Formation for Peacebuilding Practice (3 SH)
  • PAX 535 Research Methods for Social Change (3 SH)
  • OLS 510 Leadership for the Common Good (3 SH)
  • MBA 560 Stewardship, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (3 SH)
  • PAX 568 Transformational Leadership for Creating Change (3 SH)
    MOL 620 Transformative Leadership in Dynamic Contexts (3SH)
  • Praxis courses (1 SH each)
    • PAX 507 Praxis: Personal & Community Formation
    • PAX 508 Praxis: Project
    • PAX 509 Praxis: Integrative Capstone

All core courses available in an on online or a hybrid format

Skills Electives (at least 6 SH)

A variety of courses focusing on leadership skills are available. Topics include:

  • Group facilitation and designing facilitated processes
  • Mediation and negotiation
  • Program evaluation
  • Circle processes
  • Finance and accounting
  • Project management and grant writing
  • Ministering in times of trauma
  • Pastoral care

Focus-area Electives (9 SH)

These will be selected from CJP course offerings through consultation with program mentors to help you meet your professional development goals.  Courses may include, but are not limited to:

  • PAX 571 Restorative Justice
  • PAX 677 Restorative Justice Whole Systems Change
  • PAX 615 Leading Organizational Change
  • OLS 530 Organizational Behavior
  • CM 631 Churches and Social Transformation
  • CM 654 Race and Religion in America
  • CM 724 Racial Healing and the Blue-Eyed Soul
  • Currently, other OLS and MOL courses can be completed upon request and departmental permission. 
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