Fall 2013 – Book study and lecture by Holmes Rolston, PhD
SASS will host a book study this fall, which will meet several times before the October 23 lecture by visiting scholar Holmes Rolston.
Holmes Rolston is professor of philosophy at Colorado State University. He has written seven books,
acclaimed in critical notice in both professional journals and the national press.
The more recent are A New Environmental Ethics: The Next Millennium for Life on Earth and Three Big Bangs. He has written chapters in 80 other books and penned over 100 articles. Rolston
was awarded the Templeton Prize in Religion in 2003 and the Mendel Medal by Villanova
University in 2005. He delivered the Gifford Lectures, University of Edinburgh, 1997/1998.
Rolston was distinguished lecturer at the 28th Nobel Conference, 1992, at Gustavus
Adolphus College, Minnesota, authorized by the Nobel Foundation, Stockholm.
Lecture title and synopsis
“Three Big Bangs: Matter-Energy, Life, Mind”
October 23, 2013
At the primordial big bang, matter-energy appears, with the remarkable capacity to generate heavier elements and complexity. Life explodes on Earth, with DNA discovering, storing, and transferring information, escalating biodiversity and biocomplexity. The human genius is radically novel, mind explodes, hyper-immensely complex. Ideas pass cumulatively from mind to mind. Those at the center of complex caring intelligence wonder: Is there sacred Logos in, with, and such breakthrough creativity?
Learn more about Holmes Rolston
Spring 2013
Book study group: The Evolution of Adam by Peter Enns, PhD, Harvard University. Led by Dr. Roman Miller, John Fairfield and Dr. Christian Early.
Fall 2012
Dr. Richard Beck, professor and chair of psychology at Abilene Christian University, speaks on “The Will to Embrace: In Search of Christian Hospitality”
Spring 2012
Study group: “Towards Secular Language With the Scope of Religious Language”
“SuperCooperators: Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed” by Martin Nowak and Roger Highfield
Fall 2011
“Who made the Moon? A Father Explores How Faith and Science Agree” by Sigmund Brouwer, who led a university chapel service on “Is Genesis a Fence Barrier to the Cross” and provided an additional evening presentation in March 2012. His messages focused on recent findings on why young Christians leave the church and why understanding our origins – and Genesis – is so crucial to faith.
- “Attachment Styles and Parenting” by Luanne Bender Long and Christine Spilman
- ‘The place of “PLACE” in our Search for Shalom’ by Janel Curry
- “Conversations on Attachment: Integrating the Science of Love and Spirituality” conference on the campus of EMU March 31 – April 2, 2011
- “The Nature of Economic Fraud Crimes” by Dr. Anthony Pratkanis
- “Molecular Neurobiology of Attachment and Social Bonding” by Dr. Larry Young
- “Caring: How we Become Attached” by Dr. Nel Noddings
- “Clinical Ethical Decision-Making” by Dr. Robert Shabanowitz