Fall 2018 Opening Convocation

President Susan Schultz Huxman, launching Fall semester with the address, Setting the EMU Table with a Diversity of Utensils.   https://www.facebook.com/EasternMennonite/videos/286653152116123/

2018 Matriculation Ceremony

This ceremony takes place at the beginning of each academic year and marks the moment when students are formally enrolled as members of the Eastern Mennonite University community, signing the register of the university and enrolling in the institution. Parents, families, and guests are cordially invited to attend this memorable event. Matriculation serves as the....

“What do you do with a Centennial?” – Convocation address by Dr. Susan Schultz Huxman

Join President Susan Schultz Huxman to launch Spring semester in this centennial year with the address – What do you do with a Centennial? There is a time of prayerful sending for the Guatemala-Cuba Cross-Cultural Seminar at the close of the service.

Faculty Staff Conference: Address by Dr. Susan Schultz Huxman

Dr. Susan Schultz Huxman delivers the plenary address during the Fall Faculty Staff Conference in Lehman Auditorium.  Dr. Huxman became the 9th president of EMU on January 1, 2017!  She comes to us with a stellar background in rhetoric, having directed the Elliot School of Communication at Wichita Sate University before becoming president of Conrad....

Inauguration Chapel: Celebrating Student-Centered Leadership

Gather for student leader perspectives on celebrating student-centered leadership and offering a prayerful blessing for Dr. Susan Schultz Huxman during this week of inauguration activities. Several student musical groups enhance this time of worship, celebration and blessing. Reflections – Quinn Kathrineberg, Ariel Barbosa and Abigail Shelly. Stings Ensemble – Jacinda Stahly, Isaac Dahl, Quinn Kathrineberg....

Opening Convocation: “Ringing in a New Year, a New Era”- Dr. Susan Schultz Huxman

Gather as a campus community for an address on Ringing in a New Year, a New Era from incoming President Susan Schultz Huxman. Toward the close of the service, there will be a time of sending for the Cross-Cultural Seminar groups soon departing for Guatemala-Colombia and the Middle East. We will also be ringing in....