Seminary Chapel: Dr. Sarah Bixler
“Who Is My ‘Another’?” Join us as Dr. Sarah Bixler speaks about Jesus’ command to love “one another.” As an indication of mutuality and friendship, just how far does this command to love one another extend? (John 13)
Seminary Chapel: Visio Divina
Join us for a time of visio divina using the parable of the mustard seed. A time of contemplation where we open ourselves to God’s voice through sacred art and reflection. Matt. 13:31-32
Seminary Chapel: Rev. Brett Isernhagen
“Epiphany and the Secret Work of God” – Join us to hear Rev. Brett Isernhagen speak of the visit of the Magi, which is often heralded as the first time Christ was revealed to Gentiles. But what exactly did the Magi take away from their visit and how can this encounter shape our attention this....