Campus Worship: Ubuntu- Pastor AJ Mosley

Gather for a traditional African American worship service, featuring Pastor AJ Mosley, for the Black History Month sponsored by the Black Student Union (BSU) and Multicultural Student Services. Pastor AJ Mosley serves as Executive Pastor of Divine Unity Community Church (DUCC) here in Harrisonburg, Va.

Chapel Gathering in the Seminary: ‘Stories of Hope’ (MCC)

Jenna Villatoro, Human Resource Coordinator from Mennonite Central Committee East Coast shares MCC stories of hope from around the world. Don’t let your mood be completely swayed by all the bad news on the radio, TV and social media. God’s people are working in amazing ways both near at hand and around the world. Listenand....

Campus Worship: Connecting to Purpose

EMU nursing alum Dr. John Lowe ’81 (Cherokee, Creek, & Lenape Native American tribal member) offers reflections from his personal story and journey in his address –  Connecting to Your Purpose: A Native American Perspective. Lowe also gives a Suter Science Series lecture today at 4 p.m.Dr. John Lowe, RN, PhD, FAAN, serves as Professor for Health Disparities Research and Executive....

Convocation: Shale Play

Gather for a provocative reading of poetry and screening of photographs capturing the impacts of natural gas drilling and pipeline construction challenging easy assumptions and inviting further inquiry and conversation. Shale Play Also, convocation opens with pipeline themed original music from Doug Hendren – Musical Scalpel. Steven Rubin, an award-winning documentary photographer, and Julia Spicher Kasdorf, a distinguished....