Chapel Gathering: Seminary “Transitions”
“Transitions” – Seminary Chaplain Ned Allyn Parker will reflect on the multiplicity of transitions happening around us – everything from the transition of seasons, to the completion of the semester, to the movement from Advent to Christmas. Transitions are hard, but they are also holy.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Please join us for an exciting performance of the Advent and Christmas scriptures presented by the Shenandoah Valley Biblical Storytellers. Perry Blosser and Caleb Schrock-Hurst will lead both old and new carols of the season.
Chapel Gathering in the Seminary: Shenandoah Valley Biblical Storytellers
Join with the Shenandoah Valley Biblical Storytellers as the recite sections of the Christmas story from scripture, interspersed with music. From their website: “We are a group of biblical storytellers from varied Christian traditions who have banded together to use our gifts to share the Bible in a way that many have not heard before. ....
Christmas Lessons & Carols
Eastern Mennonite University Music Department and Campus Ministries present a new annual tradition of Christmas Lessons & Carols: a classic service of lessons from Christian scriptures and music from the University Choir, Chamber Singers, Emulate Chamber Ensemble, Chamber Orchestra and congregational singing. This service features the premiere of a choral piece from American composer, Gwyneth Walker.
Community Christmas Service of Lessons and Carols
Gather as a community for an Advent and Christmas service of Lessons and Carols featuring Christian scripture and song. This service features readers from the EMU theater program and music featuring student song leaders, a handbell choir and the vocal ensemble Emulate.
Christmas Chapel: “Wake us to see a new world!”
Join us for an all-campus and community Advent-Christmas worship service. Enjoy special music, congregational singing, Scripture and readings featuring the EMU Chamber Singers, Men’s Choir, Women’s Choir, and Theater program.
“We Wait” – University Christmas Chapel
Campus and the local community gather to worship through song, scripture and other readings in this season of Advent/Christmas. Faculty and students from the theater and music departments are featured in this annual service.