Imago Divina – Join us as we learn through contemplative exploration of how we can listen for God through art.
Seminary Chapel: Dr. Lesley McClendon
“Blessed Are the Peacemakers” – Come and join us to hear Dr. Lesley McClendon, senior pastor of C3 Hampton. She is currently teaching “Foundation of Christian Preaching” to current seminary students. Matt. 5:1-12
Seminary Chapel: Rev. Brett Isernhagen
Come and join us as Rev. Brett Isernhagen guides us in remembering the 19th century abolitionist martyr, Anthony Bewley, and the all to love our enemies.
Seminary Chapel: Juan Carlos Malvaez
“Hospitality, Fostering Healing Communities for Immigrants and Refugees” Join us as Seminary student, Juan Carlos Malvaez shares his capstone with us, taking a holistic approach to hospitality. “Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner, for you were foreigners in Egypt.” “No maltrates ni oprimas a los extranjeros, pues también tú y tu pueblo fueron extranjeros....
Seminary Chapel: Dean Daniel Ott
“Who Are We That We Should Go?” Dean Daniel Ott will explore the ways we deny our calling to deliver the oppressed. Exodus 3:1-15 (JPS translation)
Convocation: Student Recognition
Gather as a campus community to recognize and celebrate student academic, leadership and service achievements and accomplishments from this academic year. Awards, such as Teacher of Promise, Tutor of Distinction, Outstanding Senior in Math and Engineering, Beloved Community, Exceptional Leadership and Exceptional Service will be given by around 20 different departments or programs across the university.
Convocation: South Africa Intercultural
Welcome the spring semester Intercultural Seminar group back to campus and hear what they encountered on their learning adventures in South Africa.
Seminary Chapel: Kevin Clark
The entire EMU community was invited to join to honor Kevin Clark for his 24 years of service to EMU! Also experience a Lectio of Ephesians 3:14-21 within a rhythm of silence, prayers and songs/hymns.
ACE Festival Keynote: Luisa A. Igloria
What Poetry Offers: More than Feeling ACE Festival 2023 welcomes Luisa A. Igloria as our keynote speaker. Especially in these last few years of the pandemic and other experiences of global upheaval, there has been a rededicated interest in the public role of poetry and its relationship to social change. And while it’s true that....
Convocation: Climate Anxiety and Action
Come explore Climate Justice: From Anxiety to Action with Douglas Kaufman, Director of Pastoral Ecology with the Anabaptist Climate Collaborative (ACC). Convocation ended with a Lament Hole exercise on the north lawn of Lehman Auditorium followed by a Litany of Hope activity that might go until 11:15 a.m.