Gather for the annual MLK, Jr. Celebration Convocation featuring Dr. Jalane Schmidt, Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia. Dr. Jalane Schmidt’s research and teaching is focused upon African diaspora religions of the Caribbean and Latin America, and particularly festivity and ritual. Dr. Schmidt teaches courses which consider the effects of colonization and the....
University Colloquium: Kathy Evans
Restorative Justice in Educational Settings: Beyond Circles and Conferences Dr. Kathy Evans is an Associate Professor of Education at Eastern Mennonite University, teaching courses in educational psychology, special education, and restorative justice in education. She is the co-author of The Little Book of Restorative Justice in Education and has published articles and book chapters related....
Campus Worship: Rev. Barbara Seward
Gather with campus ministries and Reverend Barbara Seward, of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, for the first campus worship service of the semester with an emphasis on Love God. Love Neighbor. (think foreigner). Rev. Barbara Seward is a native of Virginia who joined the community of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in August 2019. She has a daughter, grandson and a miniature....
Opening Convocation-Susan Schultz Huxman
Join President Susan Schultz Huxman to launch spring semester with an emphasis on Vision 2020.There will be a time of prayerful sending for the Guatemala and Colombia Cross-Cultural seminar near the close of the service.
Convocation: Europe Cross-Cultural
Welcome the fall semester Cross-Cultural group back to campus and hear what they encountered on their learning adventures in Vienna, Czech Republic, Italy, Morocco and other stops along the way.
Convocation: Student Recognition
Gather as a campus community to recognize and celebrate student achievements and accomplishments in the fall semester.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Thanksgiving hymn sing led by Perry Blosser.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
The Poetics of Paying Attention Kenton will lead us in reflecting on how we hear and see God in the messages offered in the natural world using the text of Psalm 19.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Hope in the Face of Fear Shirley Steward-Jones, Bob Micheledes, Matt Simpson from the EMS worship class, will provide a space of worship around Luke 21:5-19.
University Colloquium: Carl Stauffer
Restorative Justice: Signs and Symbols of Movement-Making Carl Stauffer, PhDAssociate Professor, Center for Justice and PeacebuildingEastern Mennonite University Carl Stauffer, PhD, is Associate Professor of Justice at the Center for Justice & Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University. He also serves as Co-Director of the Zehr Institute for RJ, and Academic Director of the Caux Scholars....