Convocation: Women, Beauty and Action

Women, Beauty and Action is a conversation celebrating Women’s History Month through the voices of women around us. Toni Morrison, celebrated novelist and professor who died in 2019 said this:  “Beauty was not simply something to behold; it was something one could do.” Hosted by Dean of Students Shannon Dycus, we will hear from Deanna Reed, Nadia Dames and Ariel Barbosa as....

Convocation: Cornell Brooks

Gather with the Black Student Alliance and Multicultural Student Services for a special Monday morning Black History Month convocation featuring Rev. Dr. Cornell Brooks from the Harvard Kennedy School. There will be a talk-back with Rev. Dr. Brooks from 11-11:30 a.m. Cornell William Brooks is Professor of the Practice of Public Leadership and Social Justice at the Harvard Kennedy....

Campus Worship:Voices Together Hymn Sing

We are excited about the new Voices Together worship and song collection available late summer or fall 2020. Come experience what this new resource has to offer at the Voices Together Hymn Sing led by Dr. Benjamin Bergey, Assistant Professor of Music, and the Chamber Singers. Please help us purchase the new Voices Together hymnal by contributing to the Voices Together Crowdfunding Project found here.....

Convocation: Constitution Interpretation

What if anything can the Constitution and the “Founding” tell us about the Second Amendment? Gather with Dr. Kevin Hardwick and Dr. Howard Lubert, JMU professors, for some input on (1) the origins of the Constitution and the process of its ratification, (2) debates during the American “Founding” over constitutional interpretation, and (3) contemporary debates about approaches to....