Glean from 1 Corinthians 12 and 13 with student pastoral assistants and Jon Swartz, campus ministries intern, as you (and we) seek to articulate the essence of faith, hope and love.
“Still Holding On” – David Evans
New EMS Assistant Professor of History, Mission, Intercultural, and Interfaith Studies David Evans draws from the following scripture texts as he engages us in our Chapel Gathering on the topic, “Still Holding On:” Psalm 22:1-15, Mark 15:33-37, John 10:27-30. The entire campus community is invited to every chapel worship service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary....
Inside Athletics: September 7, 2012
After a week off (too busy to record a podcast last week), Dave and James are back with a recap of the first week of the 2012-2013 season. Dave provides a few updates, including some new things for this year specifically targeting freshmen athletes, helping them to transition to college at EMU. These include a....
“Love” – Byron Peachey
“So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:3) Byron Peachey offers the third of three reflections on these abiding characteristics with an emphasis on love.
“Hope” – Joanne Gallardo
“So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:3) Joanne Gallardo offers the second of three reflections on these abiding characteristics with an emphasis on hope.
“Finding God between time and infinity” Les Horning
Les Horning is the Seminary Associate Director of Development, Admissions and Church Relationships. The entire campus community is invited to every chapel worship service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary hosts chapel gatherings in Martin Chapel every Tuesday and Thursday; EMU Campus Ministries hosts chapel gatherings every Wednesday and Friday in Lehman Auditorium. Specifics and occasional....
“Faith” – Carolyn Stauffer
“So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:3) Professor Carolyn Stauffer offers the first of three reflections on these abiding characteristics with an emphasis on faith drawing from Habakkuk 2:1-3.
“Like No Other” – Loren Swartzendruber
The campus community gathers to hear President Loren Swartzendruber reflect on EMU being “like no other …” This service concludes with a time of sending for the New Zealand and South Africa & Lesotho cross-cultural groups leaving soon after chapel.
“From Position Statements to Communities of Discernment” — Dr. Michael King
Seminary Dean, Dr. Michael King, opens the EMS fall semester with his convocation address, ” From Position Statements to Communities of Discernment: EMS as Discernment Training Center.” Dr King’s comments and reflections to close this chapel offer a helpful summary of his address: “I know only in part—only as if through a mirror dimly. That....
Inside Athletics: August 24, 2012
In this week’s “Inside Athletics” podcast, Dave welcomes James back to the show after a summer off, and the two jump into short previews of each of the fall teams. They also discuss an article in the local paper about changes in Virginia athletic practice rules, and how that is trickling down to more high....