Katharina Zellweger, a career international aid manager with over 30 years’ experience in the field in North Korea, Hong Kong, and China,speaks about the situation in North Korea. Zellweger lived and worked in Pyongyang, North Korea, for five years (2006-2011) as the North Korea country director for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).....
“Undocumented and Unafraid: Personal Lessons from Community Organizing” – Isabel Castill
What does it mean to be an undocumented youth today in the United States? What is the significance of coming out and sharing your story? What avenues do pieces of legislation such as the DREAM Act provide for these youth and how can you lend your support? Isabel Castillo shares her faith and life experiences....
Inside Athletics: January 18, 2013
This week, Dave reports directly from the NCAA annual convention being held in Grapevine, Texas. Sue Kolb, women’s soccer coach and Assistant Athletic Director for Student Athlete Well-being, joins Dave in reporting on educational sessions they each attended as well as general observations about the annual convention. Issues of compliance, social media, fundraising and concussions....
“Prayers for Christian Unity”
Chapel Gathering in the Seminary hosts, “Prayers for Christian Unity: A Yearly Ecumenical Worship Service.” The entire campus community is invited to every chapel worship service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary hosts chapel gatherings in Martin Chapel every Tuesday and Thursday; EMU Campus Ministries hosts chapel gatherings every Wednesday and Friday in Lehman Auditorium. Specifics and occasional changes are noted in....
“Joyful Living (finding abundant life)” – Judy Mullet
Judy Mullet opens conversation about abundant life/joyful living as a practice of faith. This theme will carry through spring semester chapels and the spring spiritual life week featuring Amanda Garber, pastor of Rise. Judy Mullet serves as professor in the psychology and master’s in education departments.
“Searching for God through Art” – Kathryn Fenton
In this Chapel Gathering in the Seminary, Kathryn Fenton shares about her sense of calling both to Art and Theology as she shares about “Searching for God through Art.” “Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by Thy help I’m come. ” The entire campus community is invited to every chapel worship service on campus. Eastern Mennonite....
Inside Athletics: January 11, 2013
In this week’s “Inside Athletics” podcast, Dave and James talk about both basketball teams springing into key stretches of their schedule with wins. They also announce some exciting awards being added by the EMU Athletic Department, before Dave closes with a preview of next week’s NCAA Convention. Inside Athletics is a weekly podcast hosted by....
“MIP: A Summer of Possibilities” – Joel Nofziger and Rebekah Enns
Joel Nofziger and Rebekah Enns share reflections from from their experiences with the Ministry Inquiry Program this past summer. To check out the Ministry Inquiry Program (MIP) possibilities for this summer, contact Carmen Schrock-Hurst in the Bible and Religion Department. Chapel closes with a time of sending for the Middle East Cross-cultural group toward the end....
University Convocation: “Love Them and Feed Them” – President Loren Swartzendruber
President Loren Swartzendruber addresses the campus community with a message inspired by Luke 10:25-37. Chapel closes with a time of sending for the Guatemala & Colombia Cross Cultural group at the end of convocation.
Seminary Convocation: “Leaving Home to Find It” – Dr. Lonnie Yoder
Dr. Lonnie Yoder, Eastern Mennonite Seminary Associate Dean and Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, offers the Spring semester convocation address for Chapel Gathering at the Seminary. The entire campus community is invited to every chapel worship service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary hosts chapel gatherings in Martin Chapel every Tuesday and Thursday; EMU Campus Ministries hosts chapel gatherings every....