Cost and Tuition

Tuition and Fees

Current tuition and fees are available on the EMU Business office website.

Tuition includes:

  • Food, lodging and instructional costs related to your two residencies including the international experience.

Tuition does not include:

  • Books
  • Transportation to the residencies which we project to be approximately $1,000 USD depending on travel method and location.

Federal Loans

MBA students who are taking at least 5 credits per term may be eligible for unsubsidized Federal Direct Student Loans. For more information, please contact Patty Eckard (, the administrative coordinator.

Monthly Payment Plan

Along with your tuition statement you will be receiving information about the online interest free four month payment plans through Higher One and CashNet. There is a $35 per semester fee for the payment plan. Learn more about payment plans and options.


You may also search for scholarships using the Sallie Mae Graduate School Scholarship search.

Employer Assistance 

An increasing number of employers provide educational assistance benefits to their employees.  Students should check to see if their employer provides educational assistance. Students will need to notify their school’s financial aid office of any employer assistance that they receive.


Reach out to the Financial Assistance office with additional questions around tuition, fees and loans.
Toll Free: 1-800-330-9683
Phone: 540-432-4137

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