Email Signature Generator
EMU faculty and staff are encouraged to use the generator below to create a signature for your email that is professional and reflects the EMU brand properly. The tool below allows you to fill in the basics and generate a signature that you can copy and paste into your signature settings option on your email. The signature will show up on the right after you hit the "generate signature" button.
This generator is currently supported for use in Gmail. We are working to make it more compatible with other email services.
When communicating on behalf of the university, it is important to present yourself in a professional manner that is consistent with the university's brand.
After completing the form, copy and paste the signature with logo into your signature settings.
We request that you refrain from adding personally focused philosophical statements or inspirational quotes to your signature; this is to avoid the potential confusion that it represents the university's slogan, ideology or brand promise. If you do include a quote, please be sure it is something that speaks to your call in your university role. You may also highlight an EMU program that speaks to your professional passions by adding a sentence with link to appropriate page on the EMU website.
Do not paste images into your signature. Email clients handle these types of graphics as attachments which increases the email file size and gives the appearance that the communication you've sent includes a topic-related attachment. Email clients may flag emails with embedded graphics as spam or junk mail, and mobile devices may block the images. In general, inserting graphics in your signature that are unrelated to the topic of the email is discourteous to your recipient(s).