MA in Education: Literacy/Reading Specialist

Class Type:
In person, Hybrid, Online
Upcoming Start Dates:
Rolling starts, see courses page
Program Options:
MA in Education, Professional Development
Credit Hours
Years (Avg.)
*Reading specialist is 40 credit hours

Practitioners concentrate on the study of literacy in a broader sense than traditionally encountered in schools of the past. Literacy is approached beyond reading and writing into integrated approaches for the development of communication, thought and interpersonal interaction. Emphasis is placed upon literacy programs from emergent to adult, integrated literacy instruction, literacy in community and family arenas and classroom assessment of literacy.

  1. Literacy concentration has six hours of elective options.
  2. Reading Specialist: Endorsement/Licensure as a reading specialist may be obtained with additional course work and a clinical practicum.

NOTE: Course requirements may change as the program evolves. Candidates are accountable for completing the program of study listed in the catalog for the year in which they entered the program.

Learn more about the core curriculum of EMU’s master of arts in education.

Literacy Curriculum and Course Plan

Reading Specialist Curriculum and Course Plan

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