Mexico: Summer 2019

Mexico: Summer 2019

Language, History and Community

This 3-week cross-cultural seminar provides a unique immersion in Spanish language in the city of Puebla, Mexico. Come experience the beauty and charm of this city, recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural center. Students will study at the Spanish Institute of Puebla, located only a few blocks from the central Zócalo, the downtown area full of colonial history. Each morning students will spend time learning about Mexican history and culture in Spanish, according to their placement level. Students will spend their afternoons on walking tours of places of interest in Puebla, accompanied by a local Poblano/a and practicing conversational Spanish. Learn more of the history, current issues and culture through visits to flea markets, arts and crafts markets, museums, gorgeous churches and parks, and interactions with host families. Puebla is one of the safest cities in Mexico, with lots of opportunities for free cultural activities and fine cuisine.

We will learn how some groups are responding to migrant and immigrant needs in receiving and pass-through communities. Against a backdrop of diverse geography, (mountainous and cool to semi-arid ranchland) you will gain a new understanding of Mexico’s rich complexity, where Mayan and devout Catholic traditions blend. Eco-tourism will provide insights to economics and politics shaped by diverse peoples.


  • Visit Mexico City, Teotihuacan and the Costa Esmeralda of Veracruz
  • Gain new understanding of our 120 million neighbors to the South
  • Experience culture and history through visits to markets, museums, churches, parks and ancient Mayan ruins
  • Practice language skills outside class, in the community and with host families

Explore Mexico: Student photos and journals


Seminar Leaders: Linda Martin Burkholder, Cross-Cultural Programs and Brian Martin Burkholder, Campus Ministries
Estimated Cost: $4,100 – includes travel, tuition, room & board

Approximate Dates: May 9 – 31, 2019

CCSSC 201 Cross-Cultural Social Science: Mexico 3 SH

Immunizations and Health

The following immunizations are required for travel to the locations in Mexico where the EMU cross-cultural group will travel.

Zika virus risk in Mexico

Pregnant women should not travel to Mexico because Zika infection during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects.
Partners of pregnant women and couples planning pregnancy should know possible risks to pregnancy and take preventive steps. Before travel, those planning pregnancy should talk to their doctor or other healthcare provider.
All travelers should follow steps to prevent mosquito bites during and after their trip. Travelers should also use condoms during and after their trip to prevent sexual transmission of Zika. This will protect against getting Zika while traveling and stop its spread to others back home.

Immunizations and prescriptions may be obtained at the EMU Health Center by appointment.
Immunizations may also be obtained from your local health department or primary care provider.

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