Frequently Asked Questions
General STAR Information
Who is STAR for?
What goes on at STAR?
What kinds of topics are in the STAR curriculum?
Why take STAR?
What is STAR’s theory of change?
Who facilitates STAR trainings?
Where is STAR offered?
How are people applying what they learn?
Has the STAR curriculum been used with specific communities or issues?
Attending STAR
How do I apply to take a STAR training?
What is the cost of attending a STAR Level I training?
Is there lodging available on campus?
Are CEU’s available?
Once I have been accepted to attend STAR, what type of visa do you require international participants apply for if they need a visa to enter the U.S.?
How do I get to Eastern Mennonite University?
What if I need financial assistance?
Hosting a STAR Training
I can’t make it to campus but my organization is interested in hosting a training. Is that possible?
What are the costs of bringing a STAR training to my organization?
STAR Trainer Certification
The STAR Certified Trainer path is currently paused. We are continuing to mentor current trainees and those from partner organizations through the process.
Those who take STAR I and STAR II can become STAR practitioners! Practitioners join our online learning community and have the capacity to offer up to two days of STAR material.
STAR and Counseling
Is STAR therapy or a way for me to get counseling for my own traumatic experience?
Does STAR training make me a trauma counselor?
STAR Levels
What’s the difference between STAR I and STAR II?
Can I register for STAR I and STAR II at the same time?