Every university has flashy stats, and they matter (see below). And, we know you need more than that to make your choice. The difference is that, here at EMU, you matter. Your well-being, identities, and values matter. If you enroll here, we will strive for you to feel accepted, respected, loved, and valued. At EMU, you'll be prepared for a career and simultaneously
be developed, mentored, supported, and challenged to make the world a better place.
97% of 2022 job-seeking graduates were employed within one year.
100% of Nursing graduates who were looking for a job before graduation had a job lined
up before graduation. All 2023 Nursing graduates had a job within 3 months of graduation.
100% of all recent graduates who applied for a teaching position have been hired within
one month of graduating.
Over the past 10 years, students who completed EMU’s pre-professional health sciences
program experienced:
91% acceptance rate to physical therapy schools
82% to physician assistant programs
80% to medical schools
Business and Leadership graduates:
100% who sat for the CPA exam passed, the majority on the first try. EMU ranks second in Virginia with a first-time CPA pass rate more than 20% above the
national average.
100% who were looking for jobs were offered jobs upon graduation.
90% of internships in 2023 turned into permanent full-time jobs upon graduation.
Financial Aid
Nearly 100% of undergraduates receive financial aid. Before loans, the average net cost for an EMU student in 2024-25 was $15,864. Over $19 million in aid was awarded by EMU in 2024-25.
Academic Excellence
Student/faculty ratio: 10:1
Median class size: 14
Average High School GPA: 3.5
Undergrad fields of study: 45+ programs of study
Graduate degrees and certificates: 30
Faculty: 75% of faculty have terminal degrees (the top degree in their field).
EMU istest-free: EMU does not require students to submit SAT and ACT test scores, nor will test scores
be considered in the admissions evaluation.
Diversity of Undergraduate Students
39% BIPOC or international students
40 states in the United States represented
51+ countries of citizenship represented for all enrolled students
60+ faith traditions and denominations represented
Affiliation: NCAA Division III
Conferences: Old Dominion Athletic Conference; Continental Volleyball Conference
49% of the first-year class enrolled in an intercollegiate athletic team during the 2023-24
school year.
123 students were named ODAC All-Academic Team in 2023-24.
Women’s: Basketball, Cross Country, Disc Golf, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Track
and Field, Triathlon, Volleyball
Campus Life
15+ rec sport options
35+ student clubs and organizations
7 music ensembles
Annual theater productions
Rankings and Recognitions
Ranked #5 Best College Town in America by Travel + Leisure Magazine
EMU is a Forbes Best Return on Investment (ROI) University. The Grateful Grads Index ranks colleges based on alumni satisfaction with their
college experience and the success of grads
Princeton Review ranked EMU as a top “Green College”
Ranked #10 by Best Choice Schools in 45 Top Colleges to Study Abroad
The 2019 US News & World Report lists EMU as one of the “Best Colleges” in the regional
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