Policy, Politics, Advocacy & Law
Our options are not limited to the internships listed below. Organizations listed
reflect sites where WCSC has recently placed students or those that are currently
looking for interns. Please feel free to do your own research and do not hesitate
to contact WCSC for further opportunities.
International/Global Advocacy
- ActionAid International – international development organization supports food rights, women’s rights, governance,
education, emergencies and conflict, HIV and AIDS, and youth.
- *Spanish Language Opportunity
- Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) – conducts research and advocacy for human rights in the Americas.
- *Spanish Language Opportunity
- Bread for the World – faith-based organization focused on advocacy and policy around national and international
- Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns – Catholic organization working to inform advocacy and action for social, economic,
and environmental justice.
- School of the Americas Watch – organization working to shut down the School Of the Americas—a US based school
that trains military leaders in Central and South America in tactics that have raised
alarms surrounding human rights and torture.
- *Spanish Language Opportunity
National and Local Advocacy
- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – policy and advocacy around food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development,
nutrition, and related issues.
- Chesapeake Climate Action Network – grassroots organization dedicated to fighting climate change and Chesapeake Bay
environmental issues.
- DC Jobs with Justice – partners with workers’ organizations to advocate for better employment conditions
for low wage workers in DC.
- Human Rights Campaign – the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights
organization. Advocates for equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer
- Shoulder-to-Shoulder – interfaith organization dedicated to ending anti-Muslim sentiment in the US by
strengthening the voice of freedom and peace.
- Washington Peace Center – multi-issue grassroots organization promoting advocacy around social justice and
peace in the DC metro area.
- Teaching for Change – develops social-justice oriented programming to support parents and teachers in
the DC area to more effectively address classroom inequities.
US Foreign Policy Advocacy
- Latin American Working Group (LAWG) – builds alliances between non-profit organizations to address US foreign policy
in Latin America and the Caribbean.
- *Spanish Language Opportunity
- Jubilee USA Network – network of faith-based organizations advocating that the US government and international
financial institutions provide debt relief and economic justice for peoples worldwide.
- Nicaragua Network – organization committed to social and economic justice for Nicaragua, advocating
for U.S. foreign policies that reflect solidarity and human rights issues in the country.
- *Spanish Language Opportunity
- Guatemala Human Rights Commission – solidarity organization fostering advocacy surrounding peace and justice issues
in Guatemala.
- *Spanish Language Opportunity
Think Tanks, Research, and Policy
- Institute for Policy Studies – multi-issue foreign and domestic policy think tank for causes with a social justice
- Center for Economic and Policy Research – economic think tank conducting research and public education to forward understanding
and promote debate about economic and social problems.
- DC Action for Children – provides research and policy advocacy to help improve the lives of DC children
living in poverty.
- Education pillar: research and policy around increasing literacy, school attendance
and other factors of student success and increase education outcomes in DC.
- Education Week – weekly education digest working to highlight research and inform policy.
Political Advocacy
- Congressional Offices – working on the Hill with specific members of the U.S. House of Representatives.
- Mennonite Central Committee Washington Office – conducts research and advocacy on domestic and international issues of interest
to the Mennonite Church, especially human rights.
- Interns do research and writing on policy issues and get an up-close view of the federal
policy making process.
- National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund – organization promoting a bill for conscientious objectors and those religiously
opposed to war to have taxes destined toward military use to be used towards peaceful
ends instead.
- Public Citizen – nonprofit political advocacy group working to lobby all three branches of the
government on behalf of citizens.
- Faith & Politics Institute – facilitates programming to offer a non-partisan space for reflecting and bridging
gaps among policy and government decision makers.
- American Friends Service Committee, DC – Quaker organization lobbying for policies that promote lasting peace and justice.
Legal Aid Work & Policy
- CAIR Coalition (Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights Coalition) – works with immigrant families facing detention and deportation.
- *Spanish Language Opportunity. Spanish and other languages are extremely helpful for
this internship.
- Interns working with the legal departments can expect to participate in “Know Your
Rights” trainings for youth, writing formal letters, and accompanying detainees to
- AYUDA – supports immigrant communities in the DC region through social and legal services
in a variety of arenas, including immigration law.
- *Spanish Language Opportunity