Commuter Student Success

Studying & Hanging Out on Campus

Commuter students are welcome in all common spaces on campus before, after, and in between classes.  Whether students live on or off campus, face coverings are required inside all campus buildings. 

Below are some of our favorites, or check out this listing for more ideas of places to hang out on campus! 

Commuter Lounge –
Campus Center next to the Post Office 

Royals Den –
University Commons on the second floor
Hot food options

Dining Hall – Ground floor of Northlawn –
A meal plan, basic or full, is recommended for commuter students. For reduced prices of all your meals in the cafeteria you can buy a “Lion’s Share” of at least $100 and the cafeteria will give you an additional twenty percent that can be used in the dining hall or the Royals Den snack shop (your $100 is turned in to $120!).

Get involved

The easiest way to meet other students is to get involved in campus life. Student organizations has something for everyone.  Also, stay tuned for opportunities to get involved with recreational sports, visit the fitness center, the game room and other related physical activities.

Commuter Lunches

New for 2024-25, we have expanded our Commuter Meal Options.  Once a week, any commuter student can drop into the Student Life Suite (second floor, University Commons) and ask anyone with an office there for a Commuter Meal Ticket.  You can take that ticket and use it for one free meal - any day, any time.  All you have to do is present the ticket at the Dining Hall.

What is happening on campus?

The Calendar tab on myEMU has all the latest happenings on EMU’s campus. By clicking on the event you will find a detailed description of what, when, and for who of anything that is going on at EMU.  The Calendar tab also contains a complete listing of Zoom links for campus events.

Checking your EMU e-mail will also keep you in touch. We know that there are many forms of communication that students use, but e-mail is favored by faculty and staff and is used for many official EMU communications.

Your student mailbox is another form of communication between you and the community. Please check it frequently. You will receive graded material from professors and U.S. mail.

Other ways to stay informed about what’s happening are the following:

  • web calendar on myEMU
  • E-mail announcements
  • Follow EMU on social media
  • TV announcements outside the Dining Hall and Student Life Suite
  • Weathervane (university newspaper)
  • White boards in the Campus Center greeting hall and the Science Center

Weather delays

Wondering if the snow or ice is causing a delay in classes? myEMU will have all the latest announcements or you can sign up for EMU Alerts and receive a text when decisions are made

Reserving a locker

There are two types of lockers available to you. One set is for your books and personal items and the other is for athletic use. For books, lockers are located on the north side of Common Grounds. Contact the Student Life Coordinator at 540-432-4135 for these lockers. 

Need assistance, advice or information?

If you have any special needs or concerns, please stop by the Student Life Suite on the second floor of University Commons or call 540-432-4135.

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