Apply for CPE

The Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program has a separate application process from the Eastern Mennonite Seminary application for graduate degree programs. To apply for CPE, the first step is to fill out and submit this application form. Later in the process, you will be invited to:

  • Complete the standard ACPE application
  • Interview with EMS CPE supervisor or submit admission interview report by ACPE supervisor.

Inquire about CPE

For more information about the Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program at EMS, fill out this inquiry form or contact the CPE supervisor directly:

Penny Driediger
Director of CPE, EMS
1200 Park Road
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
Telephone: (540) 432-4218

Eastern Mennonite Seminary’s Clinical Pastoral Education Program is an accredited center of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc. and offers CPE Levels I and II.

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