POSITION: Associate Professor of Social Work & Sociology; Program Director - Social Work
School of Social Sciences and Professions
Social Work
Intercultural Studies
LOCATION: Main Campus, Harrisonburg | RLN 226
PHONE: (540) 432-4912
Deanna F. Durham currently serves as Social Work Program Director and Associate Professor. She is in her 20th year of teaching at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU). In addition to directing and teaching in Social Work she regularly teaches a Senior Seminar forcused on equity and inclusion and leads Intercultural experiences locally (Local Context Intercultural Program) and will lead a May course at the U.S./ Mexico border in 2024 with EMU students. Here main areas of interest and scholarship focus on race, gender, intersectionality, immigration and healthy masculinity.
Deanna worked and lived in Washington, D.C. from 1982 – 1997 and continues to take every opportunity available to take students to not only DC but any city. While she lives on a family farm and loves digging in her vegetable and flower gardens, cities continue to excite her and she loves people watching as well as wondering where the service industry workers live and have they been displaced by gentrification.
Deanna and her family lived in El Salvador for over 4 years serving as the Country Directors for Mennonite Central Committee 1997 – 2001. Leading EMU cross culturals with U.S./Mexico border components has been an ongoing commitment and a deep relationship with Fronter de Cristo, a Presbyterian bi-national ministry in Douglas, AZ and Aqua Prieta, Mexico had been established. Helping students see with their own eyes the myriad of complex challenges in border communities is a major focus of her summer courses.
BA, Northwest Nazarene College (Psychology)
MSW, Howard University (Social Work with concentration; Family & Child Welfare & Therapy)