Accepting applications for admission
Be empowered to transform your school into a healthy, respectful educational community equipped with restorative approaches to conflict and discipline.
EMU's restorative justice in education program offers a master's degree and a 15 credit graduate certificate option that can be tailored for K-12 teachers, administrators or other school leaders, community leaders, and social workers or school counselors. Along with a variety of electives, these can help you learn the skills you need to:
- Promote positive student behavior and increase student achievement and attendance;
- Replace suspensions and expulsions with strategies that work; and
- Improve relationships and school climate while increasing instructional time.
MA in Education: Restorative Justice in Education (36 credits)
EMU offers an interdisciplinary concentration in Restorative Justice in Education (RJE) built on Graduate Teacher Education courses with the option of taking electives through EMU's Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. Practitioners focus on helping teachers, administrators, and other school personnel to develop skills in relational and restorative ways of teaching and leading.
Program core (15 SH)
- EDCC 501 Creating Cultures of Change (3)
- EDCC 521 Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation (3) +
- EDCC 531 Social and Ethical Issues in Education (3)
- EDCC 551 Action Research in Educational Settings (3)
- EDPC 611 Action Research Project in some area of RJE (3)
Concentration area courses (12 SH)
- EDRJ 551 Foundations of Restorative Justice in Education (3) +
- EDRJ 581 Analyzing Conflict in Educational Settings (3)
- EDRJ 601 Facilitating Circle Processes (3) +
- EDRJ 621 RJE Principles and Practices for Schools (3) + (pre-req EDRJ 551 required)
Elective* courses (9 SH)
9 Credit Hours to be selected from the following or other courses approved by the director.
Graduate Teacher Education courses - Recommended Electives
- EDCI 511 Teaming and Collaboration (3)
- EDCI 541 Supporting Positive Classroom Behaviors (SPED focus) (3)
- EDDA 501 Fostering Resilience through School & Community Partnerships (3)
- EDDA 511 Teaching Diverse Learners (3)
- EDDA 571 Trauma, Restoration and Resilience in Educational Environments (3)
- EDDA 631 Research in Risk and Resilience (3)
- EDSL 581 Language and Culture (3)
*Decisions are made in collaboration with the GTE director.
+Required as part of the graduate certificate program.
Courses are available in a variety of formats for practicing local and regional school personnel, community leaders, social workers, school counselors, international candidates, and persons serving in informal educational settings.
Learn more about the core curriculum of EMU’s master of arts in education.
Concentration Course Descriptions
EDRJ 551 Foundations of Restorative Justice in Education (3)+
EDRJ 581 Analyzing Conflict in Educational Settings (3)
EDRJ 601 Facilitating Circle Processes(3)+
EDRJ 621 RJE Principals and Practices for Schools (3)+
Upcoming Courses
To view our current courses, please see our current course offerings.
Admissions Process
Applications are reviewed on a rolling admissions basis throughout the year. The Graduate Teacher Education Directors make admissions decisions and annually review admissions policies. Note that a course may be taken before admission to program is granted. Complete the single course registration if interested in just one course.
Admission application procedure
- To apply, complete your application today.
- Provide evidence of one year of licensed teaching in a public or private school setting (preferred), or evidence of one year of successful work with youth in a public or private school setting pursuant to employment with a non-school entity (e.g., – a non-profit organization). This is required for admission and can be documented on the application in #1.
- Request official transcripts (not student copies) from the college or university you attended showing your highest degree earned. The official transcripts should be sent by email to: or mail to Graduate Teacher Education Program, Eastern Mennonite University, 1200 Park Road, Harrisonburg, VA 22802.
- Schedule an interview with the director of the program.
Contact us:
Phone: (540) 432-4142