Convocation: Student Recognition
In the Fall semester Student Recognition Convocation, hosted by Dean of Students Shannon Dycus and Professor Mark Metzler Sawin, we recognize students who have contributed to the common good for all of us.
Convocation: Student Recognition
Gather on-line as a campus community for convocation to recognize and celebrate student academic and service achievements and accomplishments from this academic year. Over 50 awards, such as Teacher of Promise, Tutor of Distinction, Math Competition, Exceptional Leadership and Exceptional Service along with acknowledging Cords of Distinction recipients and ACE Festival awards will be given by at least 12 different departments or programs across....
Convocation: Student Recognition Ceremony
Gather as a campus community for Convocation to recognize and celebrate student academic and service achievements and accomplishments from this academic year. Over 50 awards, such as Teacher of Promise, Tutor of Distinction, Math Competition, Exceptional Leadership and Exceptional Service along with acknowledging Cords of Distinction recipients and nominees will be given by at least 12 different departments or programs across the university.
Student Recognition Chapel
University Chapel Gathering emphasizes the university’s vision of being a Learning Community as faculty and staff in several departments celebrate significant achievements of students during the Spring semester.
Student Recognition Chapel
The campus community gathers to celebrate the Fall semester accomplishments of various students.
Student Recognition Chapel
University Chapel Gathering emphasizes the university’s vision of being a Learning Community as faculty and staff in several departments celebrate significant achievements of students during the Spring semester.
Student Recognition Chapel
University Chapel Gathering emphasizes the university’s vision of being a Learning Community as faculty and staff in several departments celebrate significant achievements of students during the Spring semester.
Student Recognition Chapel
University Chapel Gathering emphasizes the university’s vision of being a Learning Community as faculty and staff in several departments celebrate significant achievements of students during the Spring semester.
Student Recognition Chapel
Faculty and Staff in several departments recognize important achievements of students during the fall semester.
Student Recognition Chapel
University Chapel Gathering emphasizes the university’s vision of being a Learning Community as faculty and staff in several departments celebrate significant achievements of students during the Spring semester.