Chapel Gathering: Seminary “God of All Compassion”
“God of All Compassion” – Join this chapel time hosted by the CPE students from our two current Clinical Pastoral Education classes and Certified Educators. We will worship in song, scripture and storytelling from our CPE cohorts and our various ministry experiences.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
CPE students will be sharing about their experiences serving in various hospital systems and retirement communities over 10 weeks this past summer. Using poetry and story-telling, they will talk about their ministry and engagement of the action/reflection/action process of learning that is an integral part of the CPE experience. Come, worship and celebrate with us!
“The Transformational Work of Clinical Pastoral Education”
Seminary Chapel Gathering presented by Summer CPE Students: Belinda Mortensen, Jason Wagner, Steve Giddens, Kathleen Cooper, Candy Tharpe, Jacob Kave and Penny Driediger, Assistant Director of Mentored Ministry.
“Transformation Dynamics of Clinical Pastoral Education”
Chapel Gathering in the Seminary, led by students from the Summer 2014 CPE class.
“Listening: Reflections from CPE”
Summer CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) participants share their experiences and insights. The entire campus community is invited to every chapel service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary hosts chapel gatherings in Martin Chapel every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 11:00.
“Listening: Reflections from CPE”
Summer CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) participants share their experiences and insights. The entire campus community is invited to every chapel worship service on campus. Eastern Mennonite Seminary hosts chapel gatherings in Martin Chapel every Tuesday and Thursday; EMU Campus Ministries hosts chapel gatherings every Wednesday and Friday in Lehman Auditorium. Specifics and occasional changes are....