2011 Baccalaureate

EMU celebrates the University’s 93rd Annual Commencement in this Baccalaureate Service.  Dr. Peter Dula, Assistant Professor of Religion and Culture, addresses the graduates with his speech, titled, Education on the Way to Emmaus.  Senior class co-presidents Janelle Freed and Braydon Hoover offer Senior Class Salutations.

2009 Commencement

EMU celebrates the University’s 91st Annual Commencement. Joyce Bontrager Lehman  of the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation offers the Commencement address, Opportunities are for Taking.  Bontrager Lehman began her career in international economic development with Mennonite Economic Development Associates.  From 2003-2007, she spent most of her time in Afghanistan working with the World bank, USAID....