Join us for a time of meditation and reflection on Holy Week, as we contemplate Jesus’ work of redemption and love for us.
University Colloquium: Dr. Carol Grace Hurst
Love & Duty in the Final Chapter: Experiences of Home-based Caring for Family EldersCarol Grace Hurst, PhD, LCSWAssociate Professor of Social WorkEastern Mennonite University Dr. Hurst presents results of a qualitative inquiry exploring home based caregiving experiences for family elders. Elders with complex health challenges are often assumed to need institutional care. The ways that....
Seminary Chapel: Rev. Sarah Bailey
Jesus had a habit of serving others. Join us to hear Rev. Sarah Bailey talk about how we recognize that we, as Jesus’ followers, are called to serve – but how often do we make it a part of our daily, regular habits of living? With God’s help, service can become a holy habit for....
Seminary Chapel: Rev. Maren Hange
Join us to hear Rev. Maren Hange share about racial and social justice and her experiences in Charlottesville Clergy Collective. She is Minister of Formation and Soul Care for Virginia Mennonite Conference.
Seminary Chapel: Rev. Karl McKinney
“Receiving, Accepting, and Adapting to Ourselves and One Another” Rev. Karl McKinney, LMC Intercultural Leadership minister will be speaking from John 15:12-17. How do we follow Messiah in the ways that we treat ourselves and each other every day?
Seminary Chapel: Chanting the Psalms
Experience the ancient Christian practice of praying the hours and chanting the psalms. Together we’ll learn how we can organize our day around the life of Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit.
Seminary Chapel: Courtney Joyner
A Potluck with No Food: Fasting in Community – As Christians approach the Lenten season, many prepare for a fasting practice of “giving something up” for Lent. In this chapel gathering, Courtney Joyner will explore how the Jewish practice of fasting on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, an inform Lenten spiritual discipline in Christian communities. Joel....
Seminary Chapel: David P. Gushee
Join us to hear noted Christian ethicist and ordained minister David P. Gushee speak to us about “Thinking Biblically about Government in an Election Year.” Gushee is author and editor of more than 28 books and 175+ academic book chapters, journal articles and reviews.
Seminary Chapel: Dr. Sarah Bixler
“Who Is My ‘Another’?” Join us as Dr. Sarah Bixler speaks about Jesus’ command to love “one another.” As an indication of mutuality and friendship, just how far does this command to love one another extend? (John 13)
Seminary Chapel: Visio Divina
Join us for a time of visio divina using the parable of the mustard seed. A time of contemplation where we open ourselves to God’s voice through sacred art and reflection. Matt. 13:31-32