Chapel Gathering: Seminary

Focusing on Jesus’ healing of the woman crippled for 18 years, we will celebrate God’s healing love shown to all people regardless of gender, race, age, and ability. We will lament the injustice faced by women around the world.  And we will be inspired to use our voices, hands and feet for the liberating work....

Campus Worship: Black Excellence

Join the Black Student Alliance (BSA) and their featured guest, Melody Pannell, for this worship service developing this year’s theme of Black History Month at EMU, “Celebrating Black Excellence“. Melody Pannell’s address is entitled, Black Excellence: Revisiting Resistance, Resilience and Radical Hope based in part on Romans 5: 1-5 in the Christian scriptures. Melody M. Pannell is a native of Harlem,....

Convocation: Life & Legacy of MJ Sharp

Disarmed: The Radical Life and Legacy of Michael “MJ” Sharp – Marshall V. King ’92 At 34 years old, Michael J. “MJ” Sharp, EMU ’05 alum, was working for the United Nations Group of Experts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – urging rebels to lay down their weapons – when he and his colleague,....

Campus Worship: Just Mercy

Join our storytellers for reflections on themes in the EMU Common Read, Just Mercy.  Come to hear scripture and reflections on times when someone incarcerated was treated unjustly and when mercy was needed as a restorative action. Reflections will focus on themes like racial injustice, criminal justice, brokenness in communities, transformation and restoration.  Let’s ask together,....

Convocation: Rei Berrora

Convocation is partnering with Writers Read to host Dr. Reo Berroa for the convocation address: The Earth Belongs to Each and All of Us.Dr. Rei Berroa’s work centers around language, building peace and dissent, ethics (the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth), social justice, gender and racial diversity and equality, ecopoetics, and compassionate....

Campus Worship: Exploring VoicesTogether

Professor Benjamin Bergey and the Chamber Singers lead this hymn sing style service featuring our new worship resource, Voices Together. This service will look at each of the works of art in the hymnal, along with the song that is on its facing page. We will experience the interplay of the songs and visual art. This....

University Colloquium: Peter Dula

This seminar will be presented in person, and also livestreamed on EMU’s Facebook Live page. Theology and Ethics After Nature Peter DulaProfessor of Religion and CultureEastern Mennonite University Can nature tell us anything about morality? Can humans draw conclusions about how to live with each other and the land from observations about ecology? In recent years,....