Chapel Gathering: Seminary – Sarah Nahar
MLK & the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse – Come hear Sarah Nahar, a scholar-activist from the Potowatomi traditional land, Elkhart, IN. A Rotary Peace Fellow (Thailand), 2018 Generations Fellow at MLK Jr Center for Nonviolent Social Change (Georgia), received her MDiv from AMBS, did MCC work in Jerusalem, and has participated in feminist anti-war movements.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Join us as we commemorate All Saints Day. We remember with song, scripture, and prayer – those whom we love who have passed into blessed memory and dwell in the community of Saints.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
CPE students will be sharing about their experiences serving in various hospital systems and retirement communities over 10 weeks this past summer. Using poetry and story-telling, they will talk about their ministry and engagement of the action/reflection/action process of learning that is an integral part of the CPE experience. Come, worship and celebrate with us!
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Bring your whole self to Seminary Chapel as we experience together Worship through the Five Senses. See, hear, touch, smell, and taste the goodness of the Lord!
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Let’s celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! “Rejoice with Those Who Rejoice, Mourn with Those Who Mourn” – Seminary student and pastor of Iglesia Mennonita Manantial de Vida, Carlos Malvaez, will share his journey of discovering and being called to ministry through the Mennonite Church.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
“Nothing Can Happen Without Admitting Who We Are.” Rev. Crystal Sygeel, Associate Director for Call and Candidacy from the Office of Clergy Excellence will be our guest preacher. She will preach from I Samuel 28:3-25 and Matthew 16:13-20. We welcome guests from the Virginia Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Chapel Gathering Seminary
A service of “Poetry, Praise, and Prayer” featuring the works of past and current Anabaptist poets.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Without Discerning the Body with Melissa Florer-Bixler Pastor and author Melissa Florer-Bixler teaches from her newest book, How to Have an Enemy: Righteous Anger and the Work of Peace, in which she looks closely at what the Bible says about enemies—who they are, what they do, and how Jesus and his followers responded to them. Melissa Florer-Bixler is....
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Come focus your spirit in prayerful meditation in Martin Chapel, 11 AM. Singing music from the Taize community and offering prayers rooted in the Iona tradition, we will seek the Quiet Center that grounds our study and lives.
Chapel Gathering: Seminary
Want to learn new songs in “Voices Together?” Come join Seminary Chapel where we sing hymns led by Perry Blosser and Caleb Schrock-Hurst and hear devotionals from Rev. Courtney Joyner based on this amazing new collection!