Convocation: Ramadan Learning Experience

Join the Center for Interfaith Engagement (CIE) for an educational and advocacy experience about Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community.  Tim Seidel will moderate a panel discussion focused on the questions listed below.  Panel participants will include current EMU students, alum, as well....

Convocation: Cousins through Slavery

Women’s History Month features Betty Kilby Baldwin and Phoebe Kilby, co-authors of Cousins: Connected through Slavery. What happens when a White woman, Phoebe, contacts a Black woman, Betty, saying she suspects they are connected through slavery? First surprise? Betty responds, “Hello, Cousin.” Betty had fought for an education and won. She broke through the concrete ceiling in....

Convocation: Life & Legacy of MJ Sharp

Disarmed: The Radical Life and Legacy of Michael “MJ” Sharp – Marshall V. King ’92 At 34 years old, Michael J. “MJ” Sharp, EMU ’05 alum, was working for the United Nations Group of Experts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – urging rebels to lay down their weapons – when he and his colleague,....

Convocation: Rei Berrora

Convocation is partnering with Writers Read to host Dr. Reo Berroa for the convocation address: The Earth Belongs to Each and All of Us.Dr. Rei Berroa’s work centers around language, building peace and dissent, ethics (the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth), social justice, gender and racial diversity and equality, ecopoetics, and compassionate....

MLK, Jr. Convocation: Glen Guyton

Gather for the annual MLK Day of Learning, Service, and Legacy Convocation with the theme “History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.” —Martin Luther King, Jr., “Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story” (1958).....

Opening Convocation & Worship

Join President Susan Schultz Huxman to open our spring semester with the address, Ready, Set, Launch 2022! Provost Fred Kniss will welcome all to the new year and the Guatemala Intercultural Seminar group will be prayerfully sent at the close of the program.

Convocation: Vocation – finding purpose

What is your sense of calling, purpose, finding meaning in life – your vocation? Encounter a panel of EMU alumni sharing reflections on finding their sweet spot for an engaging and purposeful life. Shannon Dycus, Dean of Students, facilitates this panel discussion. A learning space around convocation theme of vocation to: -help define concept and....

Convocation: Climate Ride Reflections

Join members of this summer’s bicycle trip across the U.S. to hear Reflections from the Climate Ride this week in Convocation. What difference does it make if we really listen to the stories that people and places have to tell about climate change? Renowned climate scientist and communicator Katherine Hayhoe says the most important thing we can do in....