“Persistent Peace Making” – MCC with Ted & Co. Theaterworks

Ted Swartz and Tim Ruebke open with a sketch pointing toward a need for the gentle yet persistent way of peacemaking employed by Mennonite Central Committee, the relief and service arm of Mennonite Church USA and other Anabaptist denominations. Krista Johnson shares, representing MCC.

MLK Day Chapel: “A Domesticated King” – Dr. David Evans

David Evans speaks on “A Domesticated King” for the MLK Day Chapel in Lehman Auditorium. David Evans, Asst Prof-History and Mission at the seminary, has worked in various ministry contexts. While living in Washington, DC, David was the Junior/Senior High Director of an out-of-school time program on Capitol Hill. Later he served as Community Development....

“Take the First Step in Faith: A History of Inclusion at EMU” – Mark Metzler Sawin

Ideas of community identity are often built by drawing lines, defining what and who a community is and is not. When a community decides that Inclusion is a trait it values, it thus presents a challenge. This chapel address is a local look at how the Harrisonburg community and the Mennonites of the Valley addressed....

“Shaped Deeply by MLK, Jr.” – Stan Maclin and Titus Bender

In what ways was the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. formative or influential in the lives of local people? What is the impact of MLK, Jr. in today’s society? For what reasons was it important for Harrisonburg to rename a significant street the Martin Luther King, Jr. Way? Listen to  first-person narratives from local....

“14 Things that Climate Change is Ruining” – Earthkeepers

As a follow-up to President Swartzendruber’s opening convocation, students reflect on how climate change is impacting students and communities connected to EMU and what our role is in keeping the earth as a practice of faithfulness. Erin Rheinheimer and Melinda Norris present a list of “14 of Your Favorite Things that Climate Change is Ruining.”....

University Convocation: “Turn Down the Heat” – President Loren Swartzendruber

President Loren Swartzendruber launches a new semester as he addresses the campus community with a message inspired by Psalm 24:1; Romans 8:20-22; Colossians 1:15-17; and Revelation 22:1-2. Chapel closes with a time of sending for the Guatemala & Mexico Cross Cultural group.