“Speak Up” – Take Back the Night

Sexual violence is prevalent historically, internationally, and even on our own campus; however, there is hope! By speaking up and sharing our stories, we allow God into the narrative. In God our hope is found. – Take Back the Night

Wondering and Wandering… How the Times of Unsettledness Impact and Shape us

In this closing chapel of Spiritual Life Week, Vanessa Sandoval (senior), Kristina Showalter (Custodian with physical plant and student), Ron Shultz (professor in Education Department), and Maddie List (sophomore), share how questions, doubts, transitions, fears, and unsettledness shaped them and caused them to grow. They share how these experiences changed how they think about God....

Wondering and Wandering… Questions, Doubts, Fears, Living in Unsettledness

In this first chapel of Spiritual Life Week, Vanessa Sandoval (senior), Kristina Showalter (Custodian with physical plant and student), Ron Shultz (professor in Education Department), and Maddie List (sophomore), share about times they experienced questions, doubt, transitions, fears and unsettledness in life. They will share more on Friday as well.

“Parable of the Unmerciful Servant” – Judy Mullet

Parables – everyday stories that invite us to confront our worldview, sense of self and God, without providing easy answers. Join Judy Mullet, Professor of Psychology, MA in Education and MA in Biomedicine, in diving into the Parable of the unmerciful servant (Matt. 18: 23-34) in search of meaning for us and our context. Parables....

“Swept Away: An Adventure Tale for Millennials” – Dr. Mary Helen Washington

Mary Helen Washington was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. From 1975, when she was appointed Director of Black Studies at the University of Detroit, she has studied, taught, and written about African American literature. In addition to the University of Detroit, she has taught at St. John College of Cleveland, Harvard Divinity School, Wellesley....

Parable of Two Men Praying – Dr. Myron Augsburger

Parables – everyday stories that invite us to confront our worldview, sense of self and God, without providing easy answers. Join President Emeritas Myron Augsburger in diving into the parable of two men who went to the temple to pray in search of meaning for us and our context. Parables is the campus ministry theme....

Homecoming Chapel – “And the Two Shall Become One” – Dr. Donald Oswald ’75

Viewing work and spiritual formation as two distinct activities, we try with little success to make them consistent. If we can recognize that they are not two things but that they are already one, that they rise from one common impetus, we may find that both are enhanced. Donald Oswald, director of diagnostics and research....

“One Light Still Shines” – Marie Monville

Marie Monville shares from her book, One Light Still Shines: My Life Beyond the Shadow of the Amish Schoolhouse Shooting. “No matter how tragic your circumstances, your life is not a tragedy. It is a love story. And in your love story, when you think all the lights have gone out, one light still shines.”....

“So you want to be a neighbor?” – Ron Byler

Ron Byler helps to launch the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale with a presentation on Jesus’ interchange with the lawyer in Luke 10 and the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). Ron Byler serves as Executive Director of Mennonite Central Committee US (MCC). MCC is a global, nonprofit organization that strives to share God’s love....