Purim Observance Learning Opportunity

Join this educational and fun observance of Purim, a Jewish tradition of retelling the book of Esther including a variety of voices reading the narrative, a raucous noise-making response every time the name Haman is mentioned (so have your noisemakers in reach), and some teaching on related rituals, foods and history. This convocation is hosted by Bill....

University Colloquium – Steven Johnson

Documenting Vernal Pool Life – An Expanded VisionSteven JohnsonProfessor of Visual and Communication ArtsEastern Mennonite University Photographer Steven Johnson’s recent sabbatical offered him the opportunity to delve deeper into the oft-hidden lifecycles of the amphibians and macroinvertebrates found in the temporary ponds of our Appalachian forests. He developed a system for photographing minute copepods and....

Ash Wednesday Service

Gather for a worshipful observance of Ash Wednesday with readings, songs and prayers offered on-line.  Ash Wednesday is a Christian holy day of prayer and fasting. It is preceded by Shrove Tuesday and falls on the first day of Lent, the six weeks of penitence and preparation before Easter Sunday. Ash Wednesday is traditionally observed by....

Convocation: Black History is Now – BSA

This student-led convocation will focus on celebrating Black History Month as well as educating others on the true meanings of Black History Month. The theme of this event is Black History is Now. It will feature students from the Black Student Alliance talking about the importance of Black History at EMU and universities in general. Students....

Campus Worship – 2021: What Now?

We’ve been experiencing a continued pandemic even as we see vaccinations beginning to be given alongside political and cultural upheaval with significant racial justice implications. The year 2020 was hard and it’s now 2021. How might people of faith discern and engage what is needed now? What might it mean to embrace a new year? Will it....