Web events calendar
View this Google Slideshow to walk you through the web events calendar system with 25Live. Only those who request
permission are given access to add events to the calendar. If you do not have access
and need it, or don't know if you have access please contact the helpdesk helpdesk@emu.edu.
Subscribe to Calendars and Events
Our new calendar system allows to to subscribe to categories of events or individual
events. You have the ability add an event to your online calendar or recieve text
or email notifications. Here are some instructions for subscribing to calendars or
individual events.
Step 1: If you want to subscribe to a category uncheck all the categories but the one you
want (like Student Life).
Step 2: Turn the calendar to "list" view on the top tabs of the calendar.
Step 3: Click the checkbox marked "All" or choose the events you want to add and check them
Step 4: Click "Add to my Calendar"
Step 5: Choose your calendar type (Google calendars works great, can't vouch for the other
Step 6: If you want it to give you a reminder you can choose that option
Step 7: Choose any other options you wish (text reminders, email reminders etc)- you don't
need to chose anything else.
Step 8: Hit submit.