Application Process

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Students often express initial interest in more than one intercultural program. Interest lists are started 3-4 semesters prior to the program dates. About one year in advance, the faculty leader(s) will contact interested students to attend an informational meeting, where details about the program and application details will be available. Add your name to the interest list to stay informed about future programs, and begin the application process when it is available.


An application deadline is usually set for 2-4 weeks after the informational meeting takes place. Students may contact faculty leaders for more details. Missed the meeting? Ask the leader for the deadline to complete and return the program application if it is not linked here.  



After all application materials are received, faculty leaders will begin the student selection process. You may be asked for an interview. Leaders will notify students of acceptance into the program and inform them of future group meetings, deposit deadlines and travel requirements.

Waiting lists are created for selected programs with high student interest. Students who want to participate in an intercultural program during a specific term may choose to apply for more than one program to increase chances of acceptance to a program in the preferred term for travel.


All applicants are asked for references, including one from your academic advisor. Strong references are most likely to come from someone who knows you well enough to speak to your work habits, character, values and strengths: a work supervisor, an EMU faculty or staff person, pastor, coach or mentor.

The Reference Form is only available online. Please contact the Intercultural Programs office if you need a print version.

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