CJP Leads the Way
CJP alumni and faculty are leaders and innovators in fields of peace and justice around the world. Below is a sample of how CJP leaders make a difference.
CJP Leads in Trauma and Resilience

Andrew Daniels MA ’16
Andrew Daniels MA ’16 combines his love of sports with peacebuilding in Belfast, Ireland, with the international nonprofit PeacePlayers.

Iris deLeon-Hartshorn MA ’05
Iris deLeon-Hartshorn MA ’05 talks about her longtime advocacy for racial and gender justice in Mennonite Church USA, where she is now associate executive director for operations.

Daryl Snider MA ’12 and Frances Crowhill Miller GC ’11
The “Sopa Sol” duo of Daryl Snider MA ’12 and Frances Crowhill Miller GC ’11 combined their STAR training backgrounds with musical performance, creating unique opportunities to connect through the arts with audiences in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and beyond
- https://emu.edu/now/news/2018/09/annual-peacebuilder-magazine-highlights-work-in-peace-justice-and-resilience-by-cjp-and-its-alumni/
- https://issuu.com/easternmennoniteuniversity/docs/peacebuilder-summer-2013
CJP Alumni Created Peacebuilding Institutes Around the World:
CJP Alumni are Leaders at the UN:
CJP Alumni Lead in Their Faith Communities
- Mennonite Church USA
- Iris
- Michelle
- Matthew
- Church of the Brethren
- Jay Wittmeyer
- Jay Wittmeyer
- Faith in Action
- Art Stoltzfus
CJP Leads in Restorative Justice
- https://issuu.com/easternmennoniteuniversity/docs/peacebuilder_spring-summer_2011
- https://issuu.com/easternmennoniteuniversity/docs/peacebuilder_2016-17_issuu
More Peacebuilder Magazines
CJP Alumni Lead Groundbreaking Organizations
- CCR in KC
- FairField Center
- Shalom (Yangon)
- Hope International (Yangon)
CJP Alumni, Faculty, and Staff Collaborate for Impact
- Peace education in Iraq
- https://emu.edu/now/news/2016/12/multiple-cjp-alumni-faculty-collaborate-undp-funded-project-iraq/
- https://emu.edu/now/news/2017/06/iraqi-youth-work-build-culture-peace-support-cjp-alumni-iraqi-al-amani-association/
- https://emu.edu/now/news/2018/04/scholars-from-five-iraqi-universities-gather-for-cjp-led-conflict-analysis-training-and-curriculum-development/
- http://www.iq.undp.org/content/iraq/en/home/presscenter/pressreleases/2019/03/14/peace-education-in-iraq--laying-a-foundation-for-sustainable-dev.html