What is Haverim?
Haverim (hah-vehr-eem), Hebrew for “friends," is an alumni advocate group that promotes and assists the mission of the EMU Bible and religion department, providing a network of support and link between the department and alumni and friends.
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Haverim, translated from the Hebrew root havar, means to convey the fellowship, partnership and mutual respect between friends. Haverim gives alumni an opportunity to extend their hands of friendship by facilitating student internship and sponsoring conferences and lectureships; by providing for scholarship endowments and financing special department projects; and by recruiting new Haverim members and encouraging young people to major in one of the many programs within the Bible & religion department at EMU.
More than 700 persons have graduated from the Bible & Religion department. They have accepted God’s call to serve as teachers, pastors, counselors, mission-service workers and church administrators. Others have chosen vocations not directly related to their major, but apply their learning to serve the church in various ways. We rejoice to see how graduates have helped form and lead the church over the last eight decades
Join us! You can help impact the church of the future and the effectiveness of the Bible and religion department by becoming a Haverim member. Basic Haverim membership begins with a minimum annual gift of $50 and a commitment to support the department in the ways listed below. Many members give annual gifts that are considerably larger than the minimum membership gift. You are also invited to consider a contribution to our growing endowment fund if you are able.
Member benefits
- Receive periodic department updates and special emails
- Are invited to sponsored events
- Sponsor conferences and lectures
- Provide endowment money for scholarships
- Finance special department projects
- Encourage young people to major in Bible and religion at EMU
- Promote student scholarship through the Haverim Writing Award
Steering Committee
Jason Gerlach, chair
Seth Crissman
Susan Gascho-Cooke
Peter Dula, Bible, religion and theology department chair
Jennifer North Bauman, executive administrative assistant for student life