Anabaptist Leadership Retreat
Re-imagining the Future, Empowering the Now
March 8-10, 2019
What is the Anabaptist Leadership Retreat?
The Anabaptist Leadership Retreat is a 3-day retreat combining voices from across
the Church of the Brethren and Mennonite Church USA to envision a vibrant, Christ-centered
future for our denominations. Located at Highland Retreat, nestled within the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, this retreat will be
a space to connect, worship, and re-imagine our ministries together.
Throughout this retreat, we will gather to worship, fellowship over food, and collaborate
our gifts and ideas as we explore the future of our church. Not to mention we will
also have plenty of time for ice-cream, song-sharing/hymn-singing, and all kinds of
Anabaptist fun!
The majority of our weekend will be spent with our interest groups, or "topic teams."
This team will explore your topic of interest, imagine future possibilities within
your topic, and then, at the end of the retreat, each team will pitch their best,
most-promising, fresh idea for the church related to their topic. There is no prize
for "the best idea," just a lot of great ideas being shared together! Topics and teams
are based off of the topics of interest you selected in your registration. We will
announce topic teams once we have everyone’s registrations and topic preferences.
Who's organizing this retreat?
Roxy Allen Kioko: Assistant Professor at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) and a conflict transformation
consultant with Cooperative by Design. Roxy is also the mother to the most adorable
one-year-old, ever, no discussion.
Trina Trotter Nussbaum: Associate Director for the Center for Interfaith Engagement at EMU, trauma researcher,
and a faith-rooted peacebuilder. She is the mother of two boys, ages 10 and 7, who
are, in fact, the most adorable. Sorry Roxy.
Andrew Suderman: Assistant Professor at EMU in the department of Bible and Religion and the Seminary.
Andrew is the father of 3, ADORABLE children. 3 is better than 2 or 1...Just saying
Tyler Goss: Grad student at Eastern Mennonite Seminary and the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding (CJP), studying a little peace and a little church. Tyler is the most adorable child. Case closed.